
Wutachschlucht: The first year of the new Ranger is so exciting

Wutachschlucht: The first year of the new Ranger is so exciting

The display can be a bit annoying. Mareike Matt has neither the children’s stimmen nor life in Ohr. In the holiday home, 31-year-old Forstbeam is one of the oldest for children: the children with the Junior-Ranger-Abzeichen are active.

50 Children’s woolen Junior Ranger machines

„Das Angebot war quickly ausgebucht“, insgeamt hätten sich 50 Kinder engelmeldet, von Lenzkirch bis Blumberg, while Kinder hätten are received by the Junior Ranger. It is necessary that you can use the boats in a safe manner and give an absolving absol celebration.

It could be interesting

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Mareike Matt first started working with the years of Wutach-Ranger Martin Schwenninger. Before the war of Junior Ranger a height in the area. It is one of the most important requirements for nature conservation and protection.

With the children, the ranger discusses the possibilities of besucherlenkung. If you see interesting interesting plans and ideas that place the Wutach Gorge as one of the wild water landscapes in Europe. This Tour was led by Martin Schwenninger, with Mareike Matt, who is in contact for fast regularity.

Was the Kinder über kluge Vögel erasing

It did not believe that the Themen Tiere und Wasser existed. When the children are in the air shaft, they learn all kinds of bird art and weshalb themselves in Beispiel Fledermäuse in the bird life. “The end was a pirschpfad installation and a handful discussed by Holztieren was the Tiere ausmacht.”

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If it is an ice cream of the Winterschlaf power, then it is a luch that passes through time. The children want to paint a little like this, paint the Rangerin. When the Eichelhäher was a bird clod, there is a good Verteiler van Samen and Nüssen, so the Wald was buried and manchmaal the Verstecke von Eichhörnchen plündert.

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Beim Junior-Ranger will welcome the Ranger of the Helfern of the Schwarzwaldvereins and the Wanderscouts. Financing the project with 3000 euros from Landkreis Waldshut. There are no costs for the children’s war.

And who combs the Junior Ranger? “We now have positive feedback,” says Mareike Matt.

Totally exciting first years

Mareike found Matt nach eigener Aussage her first years as Wutach-Rangerin to be completely exciting.

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“Für die Schlucht wünsche ich mi, dass sie weiterhin Menschen auch ins Freie Bringt, dass die Wildnis, die wir haben, bleibbar bleibt,” said Matt. “And if people are genüber with respect for nature, then things go so well when you are a guest.”

Laufen die Touristen irgendwann Schlange?

What kind of tourism and who fell under the Schlucht? If you think it’s a swingy Frage. “Those years that a Drittel weniger Besucher as 2023, was the Wetter debts ist.” The Rangerin sieht das so: “Die Schlucht with people, who themselves an die Regeln halten.” The Frage sei eher: Who fell Tourists move those Tourists? “Irgendwann made the man stop in Schlange, es since schmale Pfade.”