
Covid-Impfung: Das falsche Narrativ vom Fremdschutz

Covid-Impfung: Das falsche Narrativ vom Fremdschutz

Red. – Bereits früh hatte Infosperber darüber informiert, dass auch Geimpfte schnell wieder ansteckkend since. Deshalb würden sich Geimpfte in vals Sicherheit wähnen and the G2-Zertifikat they are discriminating. Darauf says that as information has spread over the last century, the epidemic has worsened. You will find a lot of informative information in the Ecke von Schwurblern.

Der Immunology expert professor Andreas Radbruch and a public health expert Martin Sprengerin the year 2022, when the Corona task force of the US secretaries of state is dealt with, best information about infosperber. Ihr Gastbeitrag vom 23.9.2024 aus de «Berliner Zeitung» (Titel und Vorspann von der Redaktion).


At the end of 2020 and Anfang 2021 there will be more Corona-Impfstoffe in the Eilverfahren zugelassen. So whoever gets the influenza impfung is spread intramuscularly. When the study of the disease symptoms leads to symptom reduction, there is no problem with reducing its consequences. The care that is taken by the corona virus is taken into account, which reduces the overall risk. Who also wants to come, if the Corona impact substances are not a fast hundertprozentiger Schutz for Erkrankung, can this be an effective reduction of the transferable risks of the world?

Started in February 2021 when the damage expert of the SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach wrote one of his most uninterested manuscripts with the Worten quote: «These Auswertungen sind von grosser Bedeutung. If the first clear answer to the question is, then the man who has not performed the impfung and is not an asteckend.»

In April 2021, the Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI) party presented: “Nach gegenwärtigem Kennisstand ist das Risiko un Virusübertragung door Personen, die zur delle geimpftftftt, spätestens zum Zeitpunkt ab dem 15. Tag nach Gabe der zweiten Impfdosis lighter as in Vorliegen one negative Antigenschnelltests in symptomless and inspected persons.» Zeitgleich can contain a man in other medial lessons: «Laut RKI können Geimpfte das Virus kaum weitergeben», with the Konsequenzz: «We were fully affected, can in Zukunft who were developed, the negativ testedet were.»

These investigations are based on a number of improvised tapes and observations of several weeks. Trotzdem war die Botschaft in der Welt: «Geimpfte sind nicht ansteckend!», as one of the existing property rights. There is a war with the Grundlage for Impfzertifikate (“Grüner Pass”), 2G, Betretungsverbote, Arbeitsverbote, Ausbildungsverbote, sozialen Ausschluss, Impfpflichtdebatten, Impfkampagnen in Schulen, for social pressure on a young person who has problems with welding, while they have an infection hating uberstands . Aber auch für medial beschimpfungen, who “Ungeimpfte sind de Treiber der Pandemie” or “Pandémie der Ungeimpften.”

It would have an unacceptable effect, disrupting politics, science and the media, but also a negative impact on the social economy and the democratic community. It is a paternalistic issue that offends citizen politics and a manglehaft communication with immunology, the science of our responses to infections.

Aus immunological research is one of the consequences of the Fremdschutz ungewöhnlich. When the immune system is treated by an infection or active infection, the “naïve” immune system is activated, the B and T Lymphozytes, in the lymph nodes “Gedächtnis” -Lymphozytes, from the “Gedächtnis” -B Lymphozytes then in “Plasmazellen”, which de specific Antikörper dauerhaft ins Blut abgeben.

Every time the Schleimhäute der Atemwege is examined, the Antikörper from the Blut is transported through the boundaries of the Epithelzellenschicht onto the Schleimhäute. Anti-körpers, blocking the binding of the viral and the schleimhautzellen, and “neutralizing” anti-körpers, schützen one by one ansteckung and sie schützen uns auch davor, other anzustecken.

Leader leave the Schutz-schnell nach, the transport mechanisms will be broken down. Man can be the Fremdschutz leader while the impfungen (Boostern) stabilizes, a fehleinschätzung can reduce responsibility in the pandemic. If you have engaged or infected a man, the man is more likely to be broke. These block immunological responses. The next steps: Schwache Immune Reaction, Schwache Aktivierung des Transports op de Schleimhäute, lighter und kurzfristiger Fremdschutz.

Authoritarian and scientific sphere Stimmung

Protecting yourself against damage, authoritative and scientific support is an article from the end of August 2021 in the “TAZ” erchien en auf gruselige kunst en weise de laschen Umgang met digital impfizertifikaten or ungeimpften kinderkritiek. Now that the Corona-Impfstoffen würde a Herden-Immunität erreicht, webeit the angeblich dazu innen Impfquote von Anfangs 60 Prozent auf 80 Prozent and darüber angehoben wurde. Skeptical thoughts were not heard.

Because the RKI protocol has not been adapted, the institutions’ settings have long provided effective and efficient risk reduction. So first go to the protocol of October 29, 2021: «FAQ zum Übertragungsrisiko durch Geimpfte muss geändert zijn. Bisher sinngemäss, dass es aus PH- (Anm.: Public Health) See more soon.»

The message appeared in the Media at the end of 2021. Plötzlich konnte man immer öfter lesen, dass auch Geimpfte ansteckkend seien. The ‘Faktenfinder’ of the Tagesschau is further developed, there is a Fremdschutz and the protection of a Herden immunity during the impfung during the war among the first omikron variants that have been developed, which are the ‘Fremdschutz eener Impfung Mittlerweile zu vernachlässigen’. There are a few “immunological” facts about the body’s immunity. Schliesslich meinte auch of Immunologist Carsten Watzl, dass man de Fremdschutz door de impfung zu sehr in de Vordergrund gestellt habe. These people are always ready to be taken care of. “Impfungen sollen gar nicht so her vor der Ansteckung schützen, sonondern vor der schweren Erkrankung.” The hats of the German community became sols. It is not possible to do this.

So as the story goes, the problem is no longer in effect and now the problem is responsible for the pandemic, but in the entrenchment of policy. It is a circle of family and friends that deals with a number of beispiellosen Hetze and the disk riminierung of unimprovised people.

In Austria, the Glaube und Fremdschutz is one of the authoritarian masses, the best of the two Republik geführt. Since November 14, 2021 and January 31, 2022, we will be aware of the “Lockdown for Unsafety” fast for two million people from December 12 onwards. The private residential area now dares to be sold in Ausnahmefällen. There are cases of a number of implied and generic persons affected, who are given the opportunity to rule out the consequences of war, or the infection in the epidemiological reporting system can never become war.

The social irritations that politics in the society bis heute nach. Man muss sich wundern, who fell on the immunity of science, aber auch von Verfassungsgerichten and Ethikkommissionen who die massive gab. Also in Germany, Robert Habeck, Bundesvorsitzender vom Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, held a lockdown for an improvised “für unumgänglich”.

Zum Thema Fremdschutz durch Impungen haben sich in der Öffentlichkeit vorwiegend immunological Dilettants geussert, real expertise kam kaum zu Wort. It takes a long time, but the relevant knowledge base is obtained. Here, emotion often overrides evidence. In any case, if you are in the Verfassungsgerichtshof, or in the Ethikrat, it is an everyday impffpflicht empfahl, or it is irgendein Mitglied über immunological expertise versügte.

Auch Mitglieder der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina forderten Ended November 2021 oneine «stricte, control and sanktionierte 2G-Regelung». In Austria, an overall Impfpflicht Anfang February 2022 was decided in Parliament. The war was a political struggle, there were many delays in politics, policy, science and the implementation of power.

Was tons? So if you prove on the network that the media industry is concerned, science must exert a political power influence and eradicate those companies by experts who see a transparent figure. It may be that you have a conflicting scientific positioning and lack of communication skills.” Others cannot infringe the Frage des Fremdschutzes, but also the management of the entity and the management of a pandemic, one of the management agreements. Now that you can use all the tiles, you can learn the right equipment.

Coronavirs and immunity

Before the year 2020, people were not alive, because Corona viruses exist. If you notice your virus, the seasonal infections die, the so-called ‘grind poles of infection’ are possible. Describe the early years in the 1960s of British Virology June Almeida. The four endemic Coronavirs HCoV-HKU1, HCoV-OC43, HCoV-NL63 and HCoV-229E are responsible for 5 to 30 percent of respiratory problems, but the Todesfälle in Altenheim. The majority of infections are close to the Coronaviren and it takes a long time for immunity to be prolonged, while reinfection still occurs. In the coming years, the corona crisis may continue: 2003 Sars-CoV-1, 2012 Mers-CoV and 2019 Sars-CoV-2, many variations and subvariants have emerged. Infection with Sars-CoV-1 has put an end to immunity for a number of years and the spa tests in 2021, but it dies for the gold-plated Sars-CoV-2. There is a fund that focuses on the best possible products.

Themenbezogene Interessenbindung der Autorin/des Autors

The research and public health expert Martin Sprenger have been working at the Universitätslehrgang Public Health at the Medizinische Universität Graz since 2010. The war of the Corona Task Force of the federal ministers started in the month of March 2020 and in the year 2022 in one hour.

Professor Andreas Radbruch is an immunologist. He is director emeritus of the German Rheumaforschungszentrums in Berlin, a Leibniz Institute and Mitglied der Leopoldina. From 2019 to 2021, the president of the European Immunologists’ Associations was EFIS.
Dieser Article was published on 23.9.2024 of the «Berliner Zeitung»
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Meinungen in Beiträgen auf Infosperber entsprechen jeweils the personal Einschätzungen der Autorin of des Autors.

Additional information

  • Infosperber dated 7.8.2024: «Long official story: Covid-related consequences were anticipated»
  • Interview with Professor Radbruch from 27.7.2022: «Man sollte die mRNA-Impffstoffe gezielt en sparsam einsetzen»
  • In this video, the immunologist Professor Andreas Radbruch said that one of the embedded Covid measures for the «Fremdschutz» is not good. Due to the different impfung of the schützen, it is the best anti-körper on the Schleimhäuten in the Atemwegen, while the Viren goes off. This old kitchen may take a while to impfung. Impressed by the virus, it becomes a different problem. Wiederholtes, alle gemeines Boostern is the Radbruch that does not cause any problems, and other impffstoffe.