
Fire Department Directs Appell an Anwohner

Fire Department Directs Appell an Anwohner

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In Bremen you can enjoy the Montagabend ein Feuerwehreinsatz. Mittens in Rablinghausen steht a Scheune in Flammen. That Brandursache is not clear.

Update from Montag, October 28, 10:01 PM: A Großbrand hat am Montagabend (October 28) gets a landwirtschaftliches Gebäude in Bremen-Rablinghausen erschüttert at 7.50 pm. The Nachrichtenagentur Nord-West-Media TV messages at Abend, that’s the fire in another Scheune an der Stromer Straße ausgebrochen war en de Einsatz von etwa 60 Feuerwehrleuten forderte.

The dense development in this city, in the surrounding Häuser unmittelbar and the adjacent borders, has a similar environmental impact. It is a fact that the city is a bit on an e-landwirtschaftliche way of life, it is the city that makes the city a bit popular. These hereditary aspects of the protection of the adjacent living areas.

The Feuerwehr in Einsatz
Am Montagabend brennt ehemalige Scheune in Bremer Stadtteil Rablinghausen © Nord-West-Media TV

Scheunenbrand in Bremen: Firewehr stundenlang im Einsatz

Die Scheune can no longer be insulted if Lagerort genutzt for landwirtschaftliche machines and devices for Heu and Stroh. If the Einsatzkräfte is introduced, the Dachstuhl der Scheune will be fully in flames and the Dach war on the Einsturzgefahr will no longer be desired. It is necessary that the quarrel comes out of the oven.

The strong Rauchentwicklung-führte canines are one of the best Geruchsbelästigung and erschwerte the Sight. The Feuerwehr company of the Anwohnern, Fenster and Türen geschlossen zu halten. The pride of the great brand was, however, not yet produced directly, soft drinks that could end the energy of the brand.

The losses are caused by the extinction of the feuers when they run out and are no longer stundend in Anspruch Nehmen.

Scheune in Bremen stands in Flammen – Feuerwehr im Einsatz

First report from Montag, October 28, 8:58 PM: Bremen – Eine ehemalige Scheune in der Stromastraße im Bremer Stadtteil Rablinghausen geriet am Montagabend, October 28, at 7:50 PM in Flammen.

Who die Nachrichtenagentur Nord-West-Media TV message, is a large-scale bone of the Feuerwehr in Einsatz, a brand that is bekämpfen. The central low buildings in the city represent a similar recovery for those who lost their lives.

In Bremen a Müllwagen forces into a Baugerüst, two men rush into the Tiefe. The origin of the situation is not clear.