
Bad Säckingen: Start for 64 Studiende im Kreis Waldshut

Education war at the feierlichen Immatrikulation am Freitag im Bad Säckinger Kursaal zu spüren, als de privet Fachhochschule des Mittelstandes 64 new Bachelorstudy rendering. One of the study positions of Bad Säckingen and Waldshut became their Fachkräften, for all people in healthcare and the social economy, and a bigger picture. The Festredner of the Community and District Politics works on study results and looks at the racial Entwicklung of the Hochschule in the Landkreis and his Bedeutung for the regional Fachkräfteausbildung.

Ausbildung im Gesundheitssektor hat Zukunft

The life of social professional practice and general health care is reflected in the study of the university, the bachelor study results are the most applicable: they enjoy physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social work, social education, management and betriebswirtschaft. Darüber has the Fachhochschule des Mittelstandes (FHM) in Waldshut with the study psychology on the strong reaction of the nachfrage and the first image in the new geschaffenen study of Rescue Management and Physician Assistance aus.

The fresh immatrics are free in their Studium.

The fresh immatrics are free in their Studium.

Letzterer qualifiziert nach aben der Hochschule Fachkräfte im Gesundheitsbereich zu medizinischen Aufgaben. Here you will find the treatment and treatment of patients, the duration of diagnostic and surgical equipment or the course of treatment. In der Vergangenheit were these acquired knowledge of the responsible Arzt vorbehalten. Physician Assistants will no longer rely on their own standards with patients.

Thanks to Altbürgermeister Günther Nufer

Anne Dreier, Rektorin and Geschäftsführerin der FHM, had a “very nice life” and a good day. Neben der Begrüßung der Studierenden überreichte sie Christopher Grieben seine Urkunde. The professor for healthcare and sports management is responsible for the FHM Waldshut team.

The fresh immatrics are free in their Studium.

The fresh immatrics are free in their Studium.

Dreier has changed in the study, in the changing times of Kriegen and Umbrüchen curious zu bleiben and sich auszuprobieren. They thanked the former Bad Säckinger Bürgermeister Günther Nufer of the Academy for Health Care in Bad Säckingen, the Head of the Klinikums Hochrhein, Hans-Peter Schlaudt and Landrat Martin Kistler for his heartfelt care and his engagement.

No longer fresh Immatrikulierten freuen sich.

No longer fresh Immatrikulierten freuen sich.

“Stolz und glücklich” stand Günther Nufer on the Bühne des Kursaals. There is a great war going on in the Etablierung der FHM in the Kreis, and the long tradition of the Kur- and Baderstadt in the Gesundheitsausbildung zurück is reflected on. Bürgermeister Alexander Guhl lives from the Immatrikulierten, Netzwerke z bilden und sagte mit Begeisterung: “If I was living for years, I would never have thought about it, here I would stay and in so many young and bright faces.”

Landrat Martin Kistler has introduced the terminology.

Landrat Martin Kistler has introduced the terminology.

Landrat Martin Kistler said that the FHM was founded in the Waldshut district as “Beweis, dass im Land sehr wohl was funktioniert en schnell gehen kann” and refuted the positive Wirkung der Hochschule auf die Region: “Der Landkreis Waldshut hat thanks to the Fachhochschule des Mittelstands an Attractivität won. When young people are separated, the college takes a while to get started.’