
Ainhoa ​​​​Achutegui: “Wir haben Juwelen der Theaterkunst zu Guest”

Ainhoa ​​​​Achutegui: “Wir haben Juwelen der Theaterkunst zu Guest”

„Jewels“, „GEM“ spreads Ainhoa ​​​​Achutegui. To start with the new season, she joins the team of Neimënster seven theater enthusiasts for a poetic festival from September 5. On the Wechsel with the Dance Festival Aerowaves, the Fokusplatz will take place on the best autumn holiday. Pure entertainment is no more. The gilded part of the theaters is a new impetus and impetus for the tragedy – and it is possible that the beach gives a person an impetus.

Packing skurril: “At-on toujours raison?” with Fred Blin at the festival. Photo: Temal Productions

Ainhoa ​​​​Achutegui, are you bringing that “GEM”, this jewel, in the form of a festival, first focused on Funkeln?

No, these special Jewels – Theater art with often few middles, but unbelievably good contents – we have seen play times again and again in the program. Here are all the things you can do, such as the beginning of the new season, which is one of the best things you can do with your stitches in four days; and so a focus goes to the future as a Biennale on Wechsel with the statistics of the Aerowaves-Tanzfestival. But also about the season 24/25 was „GEM“ continued in the program.

Is it possible for this material to be bundled in this way?

There are other other festivals that take place in Avignon, in the Wiener Schauspielhaus or the repertoire that goes beyond the specialist musical styles, that have a theme on our disinterested points of view and in disinterested forms that are as fun as the identity and nach dem eigenen Platz in der Gesellschaft.

Ainhoa ​​​​Achutegui. Photo: Sandra Packard

And the fragments: Who sees something in the Society? Who will inszenieren in ihr? One of the many clownesque that there is, is the classical theatre piece, the solo piece or the Marionette Theatre – it is a great way to carry out the journey. If you bring the stream closer to the stream, the energy is spürt, the audience works in the Austausch-zieht and zum Nach-denken along. There is no entertainment.

Luxembourger Anouk Wagener played a different role in the theme…

Genau, the Stück has no experience, son Anouk Wagener is in his Residenz here at a nor a completely complete and incomprehensible thing. Ursprünglich is produced in the Kasemattentheater and used up. But Anouk Wagener has been lucky that this drama is a sickening woman who does not interpret, but that is fast with a Uraufführung. This shop of a woman and a woman is one of the best people who have a man at work, “Der Prinz der Tränen” – it is one of the best things we can do.

The program in all rounds

The GEM Theater Festival from September 5 to 8 nicht nur die Neimënster-Saison enläuten. Inhaltlich rückt der Mensch in de Mittelpunkt. Es geht den Fragen nach: “Wer bin ich? Who is my role in the society, who is my place?’ Lachen und Weinen, Nachdenken and Schmunzeln lie narrowly in other words here.

“At-on toujours raison?” power am September 5 den Auftakt. Fred Blin created a tragic figure, who with his disinterested tanzwritings and zircus numbers in humorous art and humor with the fragmentation is described differently: „Wer bin ich? Where will man mi nicht? Was bedeutet Performance? Was this eigentlich Theater? Was bedeutet Schauspiel?“. (Sprache: FR)

This is the case with “Personne n’est ensemble sauf moi”. Friday September 6, further. The story: Aldric, Oussama, Clarisse and Léa are young Erwachsene, the whole story was composed: an invisible handicap. The young humanity is formed and the moving parts of life, life, the child, history and bringing a number of things into wobble. (Lprache: FR)

The German language is over Saturday September 7, read the title „Ännie Bastard & 1 Prinz“. There are many monodramas that are something of a miracle, their own identity and masculinity. „Migrant Migraine“ is a performative rap by Tina Keserović, as he takes his alter ego BB*Tina on the run. BB is for BalkanBastard, for multi-ethnic, migrant and nomadic, for class drag.

The Zweite Produktion des Abends is “Der Prinz der Tränen” by and with Kaspar Locher. Der Prinz hat everything: Money, a Therapeutin, Muskeln. When will there be a schlafen then? Nothing more. There is confusion. A monologue for a man and other thoughts.

Third Work is ‘Ich, Ännie’, the Luxembourgian actress Anouk Wagener has created a new work for the Bühne. It is one of the developments in the field of safety and the reactions of the company. Would the war between Annie or Annemarie or Anne or Anni not be the right decision and would a war take up? Nobody understands the business, die is ‘highly gifted Child’, diese ‘manipulative Bitch’.

The closure is on Sonntag, dem 8. September, at 11 Uhr (Einführung in lux. Sprache.) and 16 Uhr (Einführung in fr. Sprache) the Marionette Piece “Our little dreams” are preserved. The Piece, that is a family and a family with a few years focused and at the completion of a proverb, with the zeitgeist in its goal: This perfection, which has never disappeared in the social media, has been lost in our time? Who can not separate an authentic wish, fashion trends and social suggestions? Can happiness be different after a person? Is a wrong life a lucky life? Do you want to learn more about your “negative” emotions, mistakes and not buy perfect quality?

Karting for the Festival is also available Website:

If you see Theater as a factor, then the Gesellschaft zu Moving is probably what changes you.

Is the festival not a competition between artists such as Steve Karier or the independent group with the Kollektiv Independant Little Lies?

No, certainly not. The Theaterwelt and its possibilities have failed so often and also not so that there is talk of disinterested stucco work in the cap, that will never come in the Quere. We set all our special Aczente. When there is a war, which will deal with the structure, a part of the things will be bought and fragmented and the Luxembourg public is set, it is still not so that the German hervorgetreten are sinful, but our central appear. Who wants to with Schwächen um? With the Scheitern? Who gets a turn with his autistic person or person, is the man a einschränkung nicht at first glance ansieht? Who will deal with the schwierigkeiten of the people of the migrant generation, what is your identity to find and to live? If you see Theater as a factor, then the Gesellschaft zu Moving is probably so that you change. If these wonderful theaterschaffen are one and a few heartbeats at the Auswahl, it will be clear that the public cannot be published otherwise.

Are you aware of the bridges from social associations or organizations that you would like to see in your theater?

If you are worried, you can be a little informed and loaded. Because there was a person fell on the person, who had never been in Neimënster, was a nun – weil thema auf die Bühne kommt – the Mut and the Freude had, sich een Abend anzuschauen. If we are aware that it is so, it will happen that the person undergoes a cutback, but it will not happen in the situation of those affected either.

The conclusion shows a unique piece: “Our little dreams.” So a Marionette Theater, which is a children’s play spoken in a white way, is the best there is …

Yes, it is a wonder that this does not work. We have seen in Luxembourg – for example, with the colleagues and colleges of the roundabout – a certain bandwidth of puppet and object theatre. If the Erzählweise is so suitable here, childhood is experienced on the art, and there can be a grim adult commotion. It is no longer possible to use the smartphone on a smartphone, but the photo can still be fun: do you want to have a smile? First then, when you look at the scheinbar on Instagram and Co. nachfolgen? It is a clear highlight of the existing festivals.