
Welt-Ei-Tag – Rekordhoch: Burgenland produces 146 Millionen Eier pro Jahr

Welt-Ei-Tag – Rekordhoch: Burgenland produces 146 Millionen Eier pro Jahr

The Burgenland verzeichnet een merkswerten Selbstversorgungsgrad von 148 Prozent in der Egg Production. A period of 53 years is played in the Bundesland, which is produced 146 million times. Of the 432,000 registered players, 81 Prozent in Bodenhaltung, 10 Prozent in Biohaltung and 9 Prozent in Freilandhaltung were withheld. Österreichweit is located on the Selbstversorgungsgrad at 94 Prozent.

Heinz Schlögl, Head of the Geflügelwirtschaft Burgenland, has the Bedeutung der Heimische Eierproductie: “We can buy regional eggs, depending on the high quality and quality standards.” During the Fütterung der Legehennen with regional, gentechnikfreiem Soya, the Austrian egg production saves 10,000 tons of CO2. Fast 60 Prozent des used Sojas comes from Österreich.

“Super Food” Egg: Enjoy more information

In the Halbjahr 2024, the Eierverbrauch in Österreich found a 5.3 Prozent in Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum. Pro Haushalt wurden monatlich durchnittlich 5,70 Euro for Eier ausgegeben. Dieser Trend reflects the increasing awareness of consumers and consumers more broadly, who want to steal their secret products.


zVg LK Burgenland

LK President Nikolaus Berlakovich has offered more transparency in the collection of Lebensmitteln, die Eier enthalten. Fresh eggs from a surreptitious production are made clear if they contain products containing nudeln or mayonnaise, which are often used for the use of eggs. “In the EU, beef has never been 40 Prozent der Legehennen in Käfigen contentn, während Österreich since 2020 Käfighaltung gänzlich verboten hat,” says Berlakovich.

That egg is not even a meal, but some kind of “Superfood”. It’s all exciting, it’s a life that begins in the beginning. Among the sports and sports teachers, the eggs are higher than the requirements and sitting conditions.