
Ex-trainer Edin Terzic is “ready for the next chapter in my career”

Ex-trainer Edin Terzic is “ready for the next chapter in my career”



BVB, News: Thomas Broich will find Lars Ricken last night

See July 1. Thomas Broich acts as leader of the Nachwuchsabteilung of Borussia Dortmund. Now we have conversations with them Ruhr Nachrichten Please send a message to BVB.

“It is true that you have to find and use the next Lars Ricken. An identification figure, one from our own region, one from the other. The work of the small ones and from such an extensive world, that is the end with our Champions League -Stammspieler ist,” said the 43 years.

Ur-Dortmunder Ricken, der Zeit Geschäftsführer Sport, brought his sporty Laufbahn to Borussia. There played 301 games for the BVB in the Bundesliga and the Schwarz-Gelben advanced in 1997 with a 3:1 final against Juventus Turin in the Champions League.

Broich weiter: “I’m with you, there are other Bundesliga minutes together. I’ll bring you here, I’ll bring you young people in our stadium. And not if you’re an experienced player, especially if you fall as a leader.

A young player in the BVB series will play the football match on the race. “Je mehr Druck ich am Ball erahre, desto besser muss ich am Ball sein”, said Broich and erklärte, “dass Fehler zu machen nicht nur oke, sondern wichtig and leistungsfördernd ist”.