
Festnahme nach Angriff auf Polizisten – Nachrichten AG

Festnahme nach Angriff auf Polizisten – Nachrichten AG

While the geopolitical span of Russia and the US is an incident, the vulnerable low American citizen in Russia has come into trouble. An American civil war in Moscow has established a court of 15 days ago, but it is a guilty word, a politician has made himself angry.

Fall in a Moscow Hotel

Laut Reports from the Russian state news agencies Tass and Ria Nowosti take place in a hoveled hotel, where the man was asked to leave his papers. It is one of the aggressive stories, which is in ridicule, when the growing document can no longer offer Zimmer boats. After the roads “Rowdytums” have been celebrated and in the police celebration, it is a fact that a lot of tension has arisen.

Reactions from the US

The US government is responding to the aggravation and is protecting the personal rights of the affected citizens. Der Sprecher des US-Außenministeriums, Vedant Patel, erklärte: “Wir haben Kenntnis von diesen Messages and bemühen our um Informationen, ur die konsularische Situation zu klären.” He said that the interest and US relations on the lawful treatment of citizens in Australia .

Geopolitical dimension

Ereignet nur wenige Wochen nach einem bedeutenden Gefangenaustausch swiss Russia and the USA, while the more American-Bürger-freigelassen were. Beobachter vermuten, de Russland-möglicherweise de Strategie-verfollowt, US-Bürger zu verhaften, um als Druckmittel for zukünftige Verhandlungen zu usefuln. In this context, the Verhaftung des Mannes is interpreted as a major trend, der Sicherheit und Freiheit Amerikan Staatsbürger in Russia in Frage stellt.

Vision for the future

The Russian Ermittlungskomitee has received a criminal prosecution of the American citizen, and there is a message that a half punishment is of his long years. The situation can occur if a diplomatic conflict is exerting itself, while we look at details about the state of affairs during the party and the light. The narrow Beobachtung during the signaling of the American registration, the fact that the Entwicklungen in this fall give a much larger sequel to the Beziehungen that both nations have won.