
Nahostkonflikt: Zwei Prozent der Bevölkerung Gazas laut Bericht geötet

Nahostkonflikt: Zwei Prozent der Bevölkerung Gazas laut Bericht geötet

Since the beginning of the Gaza War since the Berechnungen der Israeli Zeitung Haaretz both of us will be welcomed in the Palästinensergebiet. The device is disabled in 21st place. Jahrhunderts, writes the Zeitung.

Nach Angaben des von Terrorgruppe Hamas controls the Health Ministry Gaza Since October 7, 40,000 people have been welcomed – the entspricht two years ago, with the benefit of two millions of people. “Memessen an der Gesamtzahl der Toten wird Gaza wohl nicht zu den zehn gewalttätigsten Konflikten des 21. Jahrhunderts heard”, zitiert Haaretz Michael Spagat, from the University of London, has delved into the conflicts. Gemessen in the foreground of the population depends on the conflict-zeiner Meinung is one of the first funfünf. “If we look, who the time is, is one of the prozent-dieser-bevölkerung zu töten, then the konnte (der Konflikt) can be played”, said er.

With the broader assessment of the Spagat Israel’s Director of Government Benjamin Netanyahu, who had developed the critical core of the previous double standards in Gaza. “Wo were Sudafrika, as in Syria and in Yemen Millions of people were brought into their homes?”, Netanyahu and in January, after South Africa filed a Volkermord Complaint against Israel before the International Court of Justice.

In Syria, a period of 13 years is a period of 13 years. Haaretz before, in Iraq, a year ago of 20 years a prozent. The military battle in Gaza first started in Monaten.

Provided with the low father’s day, life in the dort area is no longer available and that is not so easy in the area when it comes to more money. Ferner mangelt is a medical care and a lifestyle.

That of from Hamas The Ministry of Finance’s supervisory body received a list of names and identification numbers of 28,185 in August. Another 11,000 Tote were still ready to be registered, but were not yet identified. The Palestine projects would begin with the regular hanging of an international organization, which would get the best consensus, which Totenzahlen as relatively comprehensible e-institutions could carry out.

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