
South Africa improves Elektroschrott-Management with Unterstützung der Empa

South Africa improves Elektroschrott-Management with Unterstützung der Empa

In the summer of 2024, the Directorate of South Africa has prepared a strategy paper for Management of Electrical Engineering, which will ensure that work is done efficiently. Damit erlässt das Land is one of the first guideline values ​​for fachrechts and safe handhabung von Elektroabfällen. The financing programs of the Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (SECO) are part of the financing programs.

Electrorotation can have a bad effect on people and the environment, creating toxic substances, as well as quecksilber and cadmium metals. You can use an excellent electrical and electronic equipment that is one of the most valuable materials containing gold and gold. Refunding and recycling electro-electronics is not that important – for the Entwicklungs- und Schwellenlanden there are even some of their bevölkerungsschützen and other things in their Wirtschaft industry that make a lot of money.

With the support of the Empa is South Africa that soul now has a good recovery. In June 2024, the South African Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment started a changeover strategy for the management of Elektroschrott veröffentlicht. An important basis for this strategy is the “Sustainable Recycling Industries” program, financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

Nachhaltiger Hiking

The SRI programs are implemented by the Empa and the World Resources Forum (WRF) with teams from more Entwicklungs and Schwellenland sisters, South Africa, a Recycling of Elektro-schrott in those states that are active. Because it is worth gold, the Gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen can be purchased as a technical know-how. “Thank you that the company, together with the employer and the WRF, has found our partner countries in the lineage of the most knowledgeable experts,” says Philipp Ischer, program leader at SECO. It is positive that the national norms and standards are based on the forms of the relevant norms and standards, so that they are expert.

“Eine unserer activities im Rahmen des SRI-Programms ist beispielsweise de Ausbildung von Auditoren, de Recyclingbetriebe auf de Qualität der Prozesse in der Handhabung von Elektroschrott überprüfen“, reports Forscher Manuele Capelli of the Empa-Labor “Technologie und Gesellschaft“, das das Programm Gemeinsam with the WRF topic. The Critical Materials and Resource Efficiency (CARE) department of the Critical Materials and Resource Efficiency Research Group (CARE), which has been involved in the recycling industry for a long time, is conducting audits for the Schweizer Elektroschrott-Recycling Industry until 2023.

Of course, the expertise of the small ones, which Schweiz is not even a large part of Schwellenland in South Africa, is of great importance. “The soul of SRI is, after all, changes in the future, soft drinks and activities after the end of the program,” says Capelli. A special Augenmerk gilded name of the Zusammenarbeit with the Teams for Ort. “Our partner is in contact with management and industry in South Africa and knows the country-specific recycling regulations in the recycling process of electronic waste.”

Rahmenbedingungen abolished

A special value in South Africa is the Recycling of Batteries. Das Stromnetz is unstable; Stundenlange Stromausfälle can take years for the Tagesordnung. “As a major strom production in the region that South Africa does not like, Strom imports,” Capelli explains. If the Grund-greifen cope with their own solar energy storage with batteries, it may be that with the large amounts of time is mixed and the expected batteries have fallen. “Battery is one of the better forms of electric shock, which comes with false bearing and manglender overheating burner,” white capelli. Grateful for the experience in recycling and acquiring batteries that employed the Empa-Forschenden partner to acquire a know-how.

Ansonsten sees as South Africa with the herausforderungen in the electronic recycling confrontation, with other Schwellenlanden, so Capelli: the mixture of an electro-abfall steepen, the organization and the recycling are no longer necessary or not safe. With the new strategy paper being painted in the country, there are first some of the right guidelines, one of these reausforderungen can be better implemented. “It is a bigger Meilenstein, and it is a fact that South Africa has great power,” Schließt Capelli.

Sustainable recycling industries“

“Sustainable Recycling Industries” (SRI) is one of the Schweizer Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (SECO) that finances the Empa and the World Resources Forum (WRF), one of the Empa reforms and international non-profit organization. The soul of the programs is that in extensive Entwicklungs- en Schwellenlanden the costs for a sustainable recycling industry for electrical scrap and related waste streams will be purchased. Protected since the Länder Columbia, Gyptians, Ghana, Peru and South Africa. SRI will find its time in the second phase, not yet in 2025. Kolombien and Peru can open up the program.

Quelle: Empa