
Lüneburger Heide: Heideblütenfest in Amelinghausen started | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony

Lüneburger Heide: Heideblütenfest in Amelinghausen started | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony

Status: 12.08.2024 10:30 am

Seit Saturday in Amelinghausen has become the traditional Heideblütenfest. It may be that the Wahl is a new Heidekönigin. The Veranstalter has more Tausend Besucher.

The Startschuss of the Heideblütenfestwoche has fallen. I am Laufe der Woche is then one Breites Programm with 20 Veranstaltungen planted, zum Beispiel a sogenannten Menschenkicker-Turnier and Konzerten. One day I am busy with a party of a nachfolgerin for the Heidekönigin thoughts.


Died 73. Heather Queen Lisa Röttger. © Screenshot

1 minute

Damit is responsible for the care of the hotel staff and childcare facility in Erfüllung. 1 minute

Krönender Abschluss: Wahl der nieuw Heidekönigin

The divorced Heidekönigin Lisa Röttger has after the Vorsitzenden des Vereins Heideblütenfest Amelinghausen, Christian Kremer, in the year 90 Termine as a Retired of the Lüneburger Heide besucht. For the mortality rates that you can expect with your business activities. If you think that you have spent 18 years in a different time, there has been another way out. The vault will take place on one of the decorated wagons during the Festumzug-mitfahren. Die zieht gemeinsam mit Musikzügen durch Amelinghausen. At night, the new Heidekönigin was officially announced on the Marktmeile.

Schneverdingen celebrates Heideblütenfest at the end of August

In two weeks we would like to enjoy the beautiful landscape (Heidekreis Country District) and enjoy the Heideblütenfest. Dort et de Besuchenden nach Angaben der Stadt ein Program of open-air presentations, dance and theater, a laser show and a gottesdienst. There can be an end to a new Heidekönigin- and a Festumzug during the Stadt-ziehen.

More information

Die Heidekönigin 1960 in Schneverdingen

1 minute

The feast and crown of the heath queen will be practiced with the rain in those years. 1 minute

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