
Dortmund: Massenschlägerei in Kreisliga – in Krankenhaus eskaliert es

Dortmund: Massenschlägerei in Kreisliga – in Krankenhaus eskaliert es

Hässliche Szenen at a Spiel der Kreisliga C in Dortmund am Sonntagnachmittag (October 13). In the game of the football club of FC Merkur 07 and the Drittvertretung of Osmanlispor Dortmund it went first on the field and später abseits des Platzes mächtig zur Sache.

They alerted the Dortmund Police, after which a serious fire was reported. When the beams fall, you will have to provide 30 people with other treadmills. Der Streit went on a mistake in the game, while the two Spieler (24 and 29) aneinandergerieten. Both are available on the menu. After playing the situation.

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Dortmund: Kreisliga-Spieler tritt mit Stollenschuhen zu

When the police battle both of them, they aim to meet and shave. When the 24-year-old Iserlohner goes to Boden, the 29-year-old Dortmunder goes with his football boots in one. Together with both Mannschaften can be rebei, a comrades zu helfen. “Yet we were not all happy, loved our players, and enjoyed playing with them,” said one speaker of the police.

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The beams attract the menchentraube and arrange both men in their closets. On the road that takes place in the area of ​​​​the 24 years in the way of the Dortmunders – and one of the Faustschlags in sight. The Tante des 24-Jährigen (48) asked for a policy from the Schläger in the Kabine.

I’m Krankenhaus, it goes further

The Polizei Dortmund has taken a number of paths, including corporate governance and policy, and further development of the policy. Then the Beamten escorted the Gastmannschaft and the ren Zuschauer vom Platz and der Schumannstraße. Wer glaubt, dass die Geschichte dort endtete, täuscht sich.

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At 4.10 pm the two Streithähne will meet in Klinikum Dortmund-Nord for another day. Here the young men and the Gurgel went. Mittendrin wieder die Aunt, de ordentliche herrumpöbelte. Wieder followed the Polizei Strafanzeigen roads Körperverletzung and Beleidigungen. Wieder sprachen sie Platzverweise aus. Ultimately, both rude brutes ended up on the stage and now a label – a work of art that spent two years fruitfully.