
Watch a fish and a gem: it is one of the most common life forms

Watch a fish and a gem: it is one of the most common life forms

If you fish from aquaculture, if you want, it is possible to use boats, which often work with antibiotics and pesticides if you make contact lately.

  1. Travel and travel products: Travel is an enjoyable experience. All the more enthält insbesondere weißer Reis nach dem Schälen und Polieren nur nor wenige wertvolle Nährstoffe, die in der Schale sitzen. The complete composition of fiber, vitamins and minerals is the best option.
  • Energy and protein diet: Energy and protein diet are often considered healthy. If you put together most industrial proteins from soy or milk, the refining of dairy products, dairy products, hydration products and the cooking of flavors, the continuous illnesses had begun, so the “center of health”.

Employers who can use their natural ingredients with nuts and fruits in organic quality in a natural way can be obtained by themselves.

  • Krapfen – and other backerzeugnisse: Who in Germany believed Krapfen, also as Berliner or Pfannkuchen can count, is further from the Karnevalszeit gefragt. Abgesehen von Zucker, Fett und Weißmehl don’t offer them nutzlichen Nährstoffe and are no longer common sense. Make sure the toxic substances are present. Krehl führt aus: “Krapfen were in der Regel in billigem Palmöl ausgebacken – dadurch entstehen Fettschadstoffe, die krebserregend sind”. A Beispiel is the Fettsäureester 3-MCPD.

If Palm Oil is found in Backwaren, Brotaufstrichen and Snacks, the labels can be tolerably warmed by kinderrasch überschriten. Deshalbt sich de Verbraucherzentrale Bayern für festgelegte Höchstmengen für 3-MCPD in pflanzlichen Olen and Fetten anyway in Säuglingsnahrung auf europäischer Ebene in, so Krehl.

  • Microwave Popcorn: The Microwave Popcorn is a source of vegetables and fruits or Zucker, hardened fat and hardening cores with a diacetyl, which can damage the lungs, among health-damaging.

In the United States, diacetyl was discovered in no time, while the vapor vapor came out of the air, and the pneumonia by bronchiolitis was destroyed, the irreversible narrowing and worsening of the pneumonia. This Erkrankung is possible as “Popcorn-Lunge” and can be switched off during use with E-Cigarettes. Diacetyl can be found in other products such as Snacks, Backwaren, Fertiggerichten, Backmischungen and Margarine.

  • Sweets: The thing, sweets like chocolate, gummi bears and other sweet snacks are not possible without any reason. If you experience high amounts of diabetes, you may suffer from overweight, obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart-circulation problems.

Since these products do not contain any natural materials, they require a long view of the processing of the nutrients from their vitamin and mineral reserves. Zudem can be the high Blutzuckerspiegel of Heißhunger führen.

Selbstgemachte Schokolade from Zutaten with Kakaobutter, Bio-Kokosöl, Kakao and Honig offers a good alternative.

  • Chips and Pommes – large, popular products: Chips and Pommes are popular snacks that are eaten often. Research on the regularity of the product that produces starberry products can be higher. If there is no high quality and salt content, the heart-circulation illnesses, it is wise to use acrylamide, one of the consequences of carbohydrate-rich foods, cancer-regener substance.

The customer service center has special products such as pastry products, such as kekse, kräcker, toast, knäckebrot and french fries, which are affected. If you have less difficulty packing the weight, the acrylamide mixture will become larger. The good news: Since April 11, 2018 since a European Union Regulation regarding the Verringerung des Acrylamidgehalts in Lebensmitteln Rechtsverbindlich, and Hersteller must bestimmte Grenzwerte inhalten.

  • Lemonade and cola are no longer believed among the youth and the past, and it may be that you get bad breath and get extremely much Zucker, the disease of adiposity and diabetes type 2 can develop. Research into the risks for lonely analysis of eight prozent, when a man gets more than 250 milliliters a sugary amount that does not last so long.

On the lemonades, which are laced with durable substances, it is not likely that the heart-circle disease will start to work. Laut Daniela Krehl Aspartame can be kidney-damaging in large quantities.

  • Deep-fried pizza: serving the cardboard and plastic packaging and making a deep-fried pizza in often a thinkbar. If you have a good taste and flavor, you can taste the aroma and the spicy flavor in the pizzas. A special experience goes from pizzas with salami.

“Durch das Nitritpökelsalz in der Salami in Verbindung mit dem Kase bilden sich gefährliche Nitrosamine, die krebserregend sind”, explains Daniela Krehl of the Verbraucherzentrale. A man finds this combination of Nitrit and Amines in others Speisen with Pizza with Meeresfrüchten and Toast Hawaii.