
Tagträume in children: Who fell Träumerei normally?

Tagträume in children: Who fell Träumerei normally?

Tagträume knows no boundaries or rules, everything is possible. Und Kinder since Meister darin – gut so! Warum, this is where it happens.

From 3 years: Rein ins Reich der Fantasie

Little Träumer often forget the Zeit. And yet it is Tagträumen and Trödeln nicht dasselbe.

Leo nibbles a travel waffle and stops inside. There is a kitchen window open to the sky. Seine Augen since weit aufgerissen, but we are there hin? Again the previous clouds are repaired, nor the flying birds. Then he shouts: “Matrosen on Bord. Piraten Gesichtet. Wir Müssen den Jongen Königssohn retten!” On questions, was the advice loose, the answer is no. There is no other way.

Leo is nice and who fell Kinder Meister in Tagträumen. Moreover, if you would get war, whoever in Kita. This is based on Gedankenschnipseln and Geschichten seine Welt: If you touch the clown, you see nothing. Or the Elephants, who are on a balanced Spider’s Net.

Leos Mini-Auszeiten is a small Trödelei. When children go out, it may be that they spend the time or the time, another game to play or no longer play in the game. If you spend the smaller and other time with adults: Seven minutes, for breakfast, for fun, that are abstract concepts for small children, daydreams dawn real. An often miraculous fact: it can be a very good thing that the own costs are so great. Deaf situations turn around, feelings like we do regulate, moments of joy are created. The Fantasiegestalten ascends, hecken Märchenfigures Plane aus, beschützer rebeigeufen. It went just right.

A small child, they are born, they grow up. It is an Abwendung of the Außenwelt with open Augen. An investigation is not a peculiar foreigner, but if you pick up a label, you can release a message that you can launch or schmücken in the thanks of the garden parties. Experts have refunded money, that child can spend part of the time in the inn.

Schöne und kraftvolle Tagträume sind dabei Erholungsphasen, so absurd, so komisch sie siein mögen. They can live out in the spirit and be a Wohltat for the spirit. The radiologist Marcus Raichle has taken a first step in tagging the Ruhenetzwerk, the so-called “Default Mode Network”, activated. First when it is no longer so, when the Außenwelt comes together and when you concentrate, then the current is removed from the rudder mode.

If children do not take breaks themselves in their Alltag plan, it is often the case that the Tagträume is used for them. Often, counting cannot do it. And so fast, whoever it is, it’s changing so fast that it’s wetter. Who at Leo: Plötzlich kneift is die Augen jijsammen, schaut sich in der Küche um, reißt die Arme hoch und ruft: “Mama, ich hab Durst! Haben wir Apfelsaft?”

Structure helps with time flow

First of all, start with a child, you can orientate yourself and become a parent: Who is a student, a tag, a woman? If you want this, you are supposed to use a rhythm hat: Aufstehen, Frühstück, Kita-Morgenkreis, Mittagspause. And if all goes well, it happened. That means small Trödlern and Träumern.

Ab 8 Jahren: Du träumst ja schon wieder …

Fantasy demands are a feine Sache. You might get into trouble – for everything in debt. A conversation with psychologist Stefanie Rietzler.

ELTERN family: Tagträume helfen kleineen Kindern, Pause vom hektischen Alltag zu machen. Was it at the Grundschulkindern für Funktionen?

Stefanie Rietzler: It is creative Auszeiten. When children get into trouble, the sudden problems fall for a problem. Or if you have a fantasy, there is a strange situation during play – or the hint that you can work. Daydreams also help with long meadows, and all possible ablutions like toothpicks became more interesting: Man can play with the water rod and invent himself therein unexpected stories.

If the geese no longer use Tag, this is not the case. Who is the best choice for the production process?

It is worth playing in the class – the children’s clothes can be used eight times and it is not possible to remember what happened. If you have noticed a problem with the guilt children, it is often the case that you can delve into a role with the method “Wolf’s Blick”. At this moment is the moment when you see: everything you see, everything is full and ganz of the put-up women, it is heavy. Who is a wolf on the jump.

Is it possible that the tag is a signal, or some kind of parallel discourse?

Manchen Kindern bereitet das Aussteigen aus ihrer Fantasiewelt Probleme: If you read in the book, brauchen for the Hausaufgaben more Zeit, were critical, weil sie nicht bei der Sache sind. Sie tun does not die in plain sight. Ermahnungen wie “Hör endlich auf zu träumen!” bring little. Besser is still alive: “Diese Matheaufgabe did a great job on you! Who stole you?” So I notice that children, if they can move, they want to travel and they want to be in the Gegenwart since. If you make a mistake, this is a good idea, with the children’s arzt you speak to – there may be a fault that rules out an AD(H)S.

Do you have a question about how you can help, which is a problem with your work?

Yes. One of the most painful experiences with a childish instinct of a technique from psychotherapy: you can be grateful for the burdened moment, an example: “Three girls from my class are on the pope’s court and on the laughter of my aus.” A couple stops with the inner film, and that is no longer in the fantasy of a new world: through a schlagfertige spruch, the trauma is a fact. Or it is a help that we once had, it can be a friend, the kind verteidit, or a fable creature, the power and the “Widersacher” in the air current … So wedet sich die Szene thenn zum Positiven.

If Lotte fell, she would float in her Traumwelt abyss. If you are aware of the Wolfsblick, then it is time to make your plans. Who is it, Stefanie Rietzler and Fabian Grolimund describe in “Lotte, träumst du schon wieder?” (Hogrefe, 24.95 Euro)

From 12 Years: Say us in Kopfkino

It is a piece of cake that you can use the tag for your wish items. And was it so?

Kiss me!

When Martin is in the big break, stand up and I’m so afraid that he’s working in his work. When you go with Hand in Hand over the Schulhof, come with your mirror. If you’re still more in the mirror of the film, who is there in my hand and then … My best friend, who is never with mirror and ihm, is with one of the theater groups together. I think it’s like that the type who is in debt has fallen. Ich würde doch jetzt wissen, worauf ich stehe. I will never want again, everything will be fine. There is a “war” with my beach, it’s warm for a my badetuch … Scherz, it’s winter. When the war is so intense, it can also be dangerous. – Julia, 12 years old

Bite a little

If I think the pilot will be a man, he would be able to see all possible situations. If it is good, you have to fly and fly when the flight goes to land. So a large part of the time – and I come with my Mut in the Schlagzeilen. Zum Geburtstag would like a Gutschein for a flight simulator. The war against Hammer is a Boeing 747 “flogen”. And then it goes to one of the toughest Landungen, on the Karibikinsel Sint Maarten. Fly on the flight from the meter that the bath starts and go to the beach. If everything is so real in the Cockpit, then it is so that it is put together that it is a fantasy while the Flug goes through the game in all possible variations. I start saving for my Pilot training. – Louis, 14 years old

Miracle cure

My Grandpa hat Krebs. If it is good, it can help. If there is a medicine, everything is fine, your lungs are healed. A choice may have been made, if it is bought, it is bought and it is somewhat früher. It is a miracle that she does that, but it is not too bad. This miracle is a tinktur, everything that is wrong is damaged. My Grandpa will also be healthy, and all the questions are asked of me about the recipe for my miracle remedies. Anyone in the world with lung credits can no longer have any problems. Dieser Traum has the power if he is happy, while the Hoffnung has happened, but Help is no longer. – Felix, 12 years

Connect in All

Behind our house a meteorite plunged into the valley. With yellow-green swiss. Only I have seen it. If you see a landing place and see, one of the cracks is a silver-colored one that goes to the front. A red figure scrambles up and winks at you. Tip for a dinosaur dinosaur. It’s a look at a sign trick film. If I don’t see the two, and they reconcile, with their reason. If it can’t be otherwise, then bring up your galactic language. They both became bald, and if they were a little, the dolmens could. Wer mit ihnen in Kontakt wilt, muss erst zu mir kommen. Ein irres Gefühl. – Olivia, 13 years old

Daydreams bring intelligence, because the emotions of daydreams work efficiently and I can spend time learning. Research is underway by Georgia Institute of Technology scientist Christine Godwin. Children also have difficulty dealing with them – and it is likely that they are less good.

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