
Scholz develops new Waffenlieferungen for Ukraine and Israel

Scholz develops new Waffenlieferungen for Ukraine and Israel

The Federal Government plays a role in the escalation of the Kriegsfronten in Nahen Osten and in Ukraine. Finally, Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) has received a new Waffen love for Israel and another billion-dollar Waffen package for Ukraine.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj on October 11, 2024 in Berlin (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)

At a press conference with Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj am Freitag in Berlin, Scholz said that Deutschland was “the most powerful military supporter of Ukraine in Europe and the strongest in the world” and that was a success. The Regie has obtained “a new military weapon worth more than 600 million euros for Ukraine”. They also include a Luftabwehrsystem, Schützenpanzer, Kampfpanzer, Panzerhaubitzen, Artilleriemunition und Drohnen.

As the year continued, a man “with our partners Belgium, Denmark and Norway became a military military war zone in the world of 1.4 million years in Ukraine loveern” and another “uncertain military forces of Ukraine”. Four billion euros “in direct bilateral support” will go home to the Haushalt region. A Russian “Diktatfrieden” was not accepted.

The core of a nuclear escalation of NATO power is the expansion of NATO power in Moscow, a full-fledged Niederlage of the Ukrainian army in the Russian armed forces with Russia. Actuall tries NATO in the Atomkrieg. Am Montag started on the Nordsee with the ‘Steadfast Noon’ maneuver, which was launched by Brussels in 2000 by eight air defense units and 60 aircraft deployed. Darunte auch Kampfjets der Bundeswehr, who were “in serious fall” outside the nuclear weapons of the US atomic bombs in Russia.

It is a provocative and aggressive response to the Federal Government in Nahen Osten. Am Vergangen Donnerstag sicherte Scholz Israel in Bundestag weitere Waffenlieferungen zu. „Wir haben nicht entschieden, keine Waffen zu liefern. If Waffen is fun, and Waffen will become sweeter. This is the Haltung der Bundesregierung.’ There are the ‘Secrethaltungsvorschrifts des Bundessicherheitsrats nicht verletzen; If a separation has been made in the direction, the problems will be resolved, while more charity actions will take place.”

It is a step further than the German Komplizenschaft for the Volkermord and the Palestinians in Gaza. Bereits unmittelbar nach Begin des Israeli Vernichtungsfeldzugs hatte Berlin seine Waffenlieferungen und Tel Aviv verzehnfacht. Now that the Regie has announced the return of the Population weitere Lieferungen, the new Zehntausenden of Tod will bring one of the Israeli Armee ermöglichen, the combined region in Schutt and Asche zu empty.