
“Sam – Ein Sachse”: Grimme-Preis-crowned miniseries starts on Free-TV

“Sam – Ein Sachse”: Grimme-Preis-crowned miniseries starts on Free-TV

The series “Sam – Ein Sachse” (2023) is based on the history of Samuel Njankouo “Sam” Meffire (54) – while we do not know the “Anspruch, die Geschehnisse in jeder Hinsicht authentisch wiederzugeben”, who is in the Vorspann zu jedem Teil heisst.

The real Sam is a German mutter and a Kamerunian father. Signal Vater starb am Tag signaler Geburt unter ungeklärten Umständen. Sam wurde Kripobeamter in Polizeilichen Staatsbescherming und Arbeitete in Kriminaldauerdienst. However, after the Wende started in the Middle Ages, it is a matter of work and a country in life.

Information for the Offerer Glomex about the Consent-Supplier refuses

Darum Geht plays in “Sam – Ein Sachse”

I received a Grimme Prize in the category “Fiktion” from the series format by Sam (played by Malick Bauer) at the Bereitschaftspolizei of the GDR. But that will be exciting with the family and in the night on November 9, everything will be dramatic. After the Wende with Sam von Skinheads and an Afro-Deutsche Gruppe group. Beruflich Arbeitet Sam fortan is a German police force and would be the first black politician in East Germany to call the Australian child a diversity campaign for Saxony. If the slide does not last long, it is a verbrecherisch source.

Sam Meffire was born in 1991 as Bremer Schauspieler Malick Bauer. We were also present in the comedy series “Frau Jordan is a star” (as of 2019).

Who is the History?

The Wahrheitsgehalt of the German Kurdish Director Soleen Yusef (37) and the Leipziger Kollegin Sarah Blaßkiewitz (38) in Interview with “”: “Keine Serie can be a person on 100 Prozent dish. Ich glaube, wir since Samuels Seele, his journey and his kampf dish has become, and he has become a universal übersetzt, with the new generations identified,” said Yusef.

Man does not want to be like that, “as a man who has the complete Wahrheit nacherzählen” and does not have in the “inner shop of Samuels Gefühlen and Gedanken herumkramen wollen (…) Samuel täte es nur weh”, ergänzt Blaßkiewitz. The fiction mache is a schicksal effect, warn and celebrate the real person Sam. And Yusef erklärt: “It is an end to the Unterhaltung, if a series is made for a streamer.”

Ausstrahlung und Mediathek

The first episode “Fremd”, “Vaterland” and “Afrodeutsch” was scheduled for September 30 at 8:15 PM in the MDR. The next four films – “Ein Sachse”, “Schall und Rauch”, “Robin Hood” and “Deutsch” will be released at Mitteldeutschen Rundfunk on October 7 at 8:15 PM. The Doku “Sam – Ein Sachse” said that the MDR is on October 7 at 1:10 am.

All parts of the mini series are available in the ARD/ZDF Mediathek.

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