
Russia erhöht Druck: Keine Medikamente more für Ukrainianr

Russia erhöht Druck: Keine Medikamente more für Ukrainianr

Selenskyj will implement the siege plan of the Öffentlichkeit presentation. Ungarn trades with Gazprom over the gas supply. All information on news blog.

7.28 am: Reports about the Ukrainian in Russian occupied territories from 2025 onwards will incur more costs than the Russian Pässe besitzen. This is reported by the human rights organization “Eastern Human Rights Group”. The organization says that it is a problem to allow Ukraine to treat asthma and diabetes baldly.

With the online medium “Kyiv Independent” reports, where Ukraine is achieving free healthcare through the social program in the city of Starobilsk in the Luhansk region. So Russia has the Druck, the Russian Staatsbürgerschaft-anzunehmen, schreibt de Zeitung. The National Widerstandszentrum of Ukraine published this political message as an action by the Volkermords, which has adopted the Ukrainian identity.

6.46 am: Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj will not comment on the siege plans of all partners who propose. It is possible that you are in Montagabend in the video statement. The plan is only intended to ensure safety.

Inhaling is no longer possible. Before sending a message from the Italian newspaper “Corriere della Sera”, after the Ukrainian direction for a Waffen truce with Russia, the time of the front line is described. The Ukrainian Regierung will no longer work.

4.35 am: Ungarn und der Russian Energiekonzern Gazprom fuhren Verhandlungen über zätzliche Gaslieferungen für das kommende Jahr. “There are some sisters who will come together for a quarter of the next few years with a legal bounty,” said Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto of Russia’s Nachrichtenagentur RIA. Now love conversations about a delay for the last year.

3.27 Hours: A Russian Luftangriff in the southern region of Mykolajiw has spent a Todesopfer and a Geestesque Verletzte. Die teilt der Leiter der regionalen Militärverwaltung über de Nachrichtendienst Telegram mit. “Einige der Verletzten arefinden themselves in a serious situation”, statement of the Governor of Mykolajiw, Witalij Kim.

1.15 Hours: Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj’s strike staff, Andrij Jermak, has devised a new international security system, a formidable attack on aggression that he prevents. “A new security architect is emerging, which has international law and the power of its own representatives of the Ukrainian economy,” says an online conference on the Russian invasion. “This system no longer has a military component, but also sanctions, financial support, investments and a short expansion of the debt burden.”

Laut Jermak nehmen 66 Länder und international organizations und konferenz teil. This is the story of a preview of the international battle and the world of the southern countries, among Africa and Asia, won.

0.11 hours: After British President Wolodymyr Selensky, Ukraine has created a million Drohnen and loved the front. “Und das ist nur vom Staat. Es gibt auch Lieferungen von Freiwilligen”, said in seiner abendlichen Ansprache.

5.28 pm: The Ukrainian Streitkräfte stops after President Wolodymyr Selensky stopped the Russian Truppen in the Russian region of Kursk. “Seit fun Tagen versuchen de Russen nun schon, unsere Verteidigung in der Region Kursk zu durchbrechen. Unsere Leute bleiben standhaft and grifen an”, wrote Selenskyj auf Quadratkilometer Russian Territory with over 100 walking distances. Russia has been in possession of Angaben vergangene Woche more Siedlungen zurückerobert.