
ZdK-Funktionäre reports about Arbeitsgespräche in the Vatican

ZdK-Funktionäre reports about Arbeitsgespräche in the Vatican

The chairman of the Central Committee of the German Catholics (ZdK), Irme Stetter-Karp, has stated some of the following Arbeitsgespräche in the Vatican in an interview with the Katholiek Nachrichten-Agentur (KNA). The Church has “nicht mehr fell Zeit”, the “nötigen Veränderungen” zu beschließen, “sonst laufen ihr die Gläubigen weg, first the Jungen and then on the Alten”, thus the ZdK President.

“Bridging the synodal road and the vessel could not be fully completed, but that is not lost by reason of being able to reach the air,” Stetter-Karp explains.

Dennoch sees the image “differently than before”. If it is good, the conversation is vermittelt, “that is the construction of a different country as that of the Laienvereinigungen in other Ländern”.

One of the most important statements is the Austausch with the Dikasterium for the Glaubenslehre-gewensen: ‘I am a Mittelpunkt-standpoint of the Kampf against the Missbrauch. If you have received a trademark registration, if you have made the notifications, if you have followed the content and the distortion consistently and with the gesicherten standards, the Ausweichmanöver von Bischöfen-betrifft. Had never become visible before, then it is the Mitsprache and Beteiligung der Betroffenen.“

There are no themes that are political of the ZdK’s Arbeitsplan. So the man with the Vertretern of the Jewish World Congress in Rome has said that “the recognition and respect for an opaque positioning of the form of racism and anti-Semitism” have arisen. “Also, but not only for the background of the youngest developments in Germany with the Landtag selection in the East”, so Stetter-Karp.

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Mr. Thomas Söding from the ZdK chairman in an interview with the Zeitschrift „Communio“ in the speech in Rom: „We are able to cope with the Opposition without having to deal with bipartisanship, as long as we live in a political environment. we don’t want to hang up and wait. Was noch Zeit braucht: dass eine Doppelspitze den Bischöfen nimmt, sondern gibbt fell.”

Bezüglich oder Denken der Kurie gegen new Gremien who beispielsweise the Synodal Rat as Verstetigung des Synodal Wegs said Söding: “We will not buy new Gremien, without the best henden so further development, that is Transparenz and Control, which is also auch im Instrumentum Laboris The two days of the World Synod in October were announced, guaranteed since.”

In one of the press conferences of the Heiligen Stuhls and the German Bischofskonferenz of Anfang Juli this is the Synodalen Rat ausdrücklich: “Man has a negotiation of the Bezeichnung und verschiedener Aspekte des bisherigen Entwurfs für ein solches mögliches nationales synodales Gremium (…). If the Gremiums’ proposition offers the best solution, this is not the case with the Bischofskonferenz, or if their time is right.”

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Concrete stone: “The ZdK soult darauf, Synodalität auf Dauer zu set. Dazu braucht is de Verstanddigung mit Rom. Synodality is not a complicated construction, but a spiritual process with passion and communicative competence. Zusammensetzung, Mandat und Kooperation sind die Schlüsselthemen.”