
Gruselfaktor guarantee: 5 quick finger food recipes for Halloween

Gruselfaktor guarantee: 5 quick finger food recipes for Halloween


If one of the most suitable Halloween parties consists of all the delicious snacks and practical finger food dishes, this is not a problem. And most thoughts can also be decorative.

Neben Chips und Süßem (sonst gibt’s Saures!) Zieren dan dieser einfachen Rezepte demnächst auch small Mäuse, Mumien, Spinen and Co. euer Halloween buffet.

1. Pizza Mumien

Ihr braucht diese Zutaten:
For 1 large Pizza-Mumie

  • ​1 Pizza Roll from the Kühlregal (incl. Tomato Soße)
  • 1 black olive (sliced ​​into pieces)

So die Zubereitung:

The rolls are rolled out and placed on a background paper that blurs the backing. With the mitteren Drittel des Teigrechtecks ​​​​die Tomatensoße distributed. If you make a straight connection, jewels become so free of dribble that they will break in a fair fight. Then you can make a teigstreifen from the right and one from the left over the Drittel with the Tomatenlegen, soft drink from the typical Mumien-Look entsteht.

Look for the Augen, the power of the Olivenscheiben power, and it was Platz. The pizza mummy in the often schieben en nach der Anleitung auf dem Pizzakarton backen.

2. German Spider Egg

Ihr braucht diese Zutaten:
For 4 servings

  • ​4 Egg, heart purchased
  • 1 tbsp Mayonnaise
  • ½ TL Senf, scharfer
  • 1 tbsp tomato ketchup
  • 1 TL Zitronensaft
  • Salz and Pfeffer
  • 1 Prize Cayennepfeffer
  • black Oliven, entkernt.

So die Zubereitung:

Die bought Eier halbiers, die Eigelbe auslösen and geben in die Schüssel. With a Gabel zerdrücken, then with Mayonnaise, Senf, Ketchup and Zitronensaft you make a Cream. With salt, cayennepfeffer abschmecken and in a spritzbeutel full.

The ausgehöhlten egg halves with cream filling. Now the Oliven halbiers, part of the day in Streifen schneiden and damn Spiders on the Teufelseier-legen.

Teufel egg with Spiders from Oliven.
Credit: Adobe Stock

Take a look: Kürbis-Brownies with Fischkäse-Swirl: Perfect for Halloween!

3. Monster-Kekse

Ihr braucht diese Zutaten:

  • Cookies e.g. Kekse nach Wahl
  • Nutella
  • Mini Marshmallows

So die Zubereitung:

I schnellsten the Monster-Kekse with fertigen Cookies from the Supermarket. You can make the flesh appear on the backside naturally. Here you will find an answer to the Erdnuss Cookies.

Sprinkle the Kekse jewels on a page with Nutella, a few Keks will not have much left, then a bisschen Platz in front of the “Zähne” will be visible. You can shave the Mini Marshmallows and moisten them with the Shock Cream and Keksen. Fertig!

Monster-Kekse for Halloween.
Credit: Adobe Stock

4. Mäuse-Frikadellen

Ihr braucht diese Zutaten:

  • Frikadellen from the Kühlregal
  • 1-2 Mohren
  • Pfefferkörner, Olives or Ketchup for Augen and Nase
  • Zahnstocher

So die Zubereitung:

All these Fingerfood Snacks can be marketed in the supermarket, or the frikadellen will be prepared just like this. An answer is found here.

Die Möhren schälen und in dünne Scheiben schneiden. With a mess and two sets of the frikadellen you can eat your way and take the time to eat when it is tasty. A Zahnstocher serves as a snack (alternatively you can also use a white spaghetti).

In Pfefferkörnern you can use a Tropfen ketchup or small Oliven-Stückchen in your nase and augen der machen machen.

Frikadellen, which aussehen Mäuse.
Credit: Adobe Stock

Take a look: Verboten! These Halloween costumes carry financial penalties!

5. Würstchen-Finger

Ihr braucht diese Zutaten:
Makes 10 Hot Dogs

  • 10 hot dog sandwiches
  • 10 small Würstchen
  • Ketchup

So go die Zubereitung:

Die Würstchen in heißem Wasser aufwärmen, danach kurz abkühlen lassen. Then finally there are jewels that slide a bit, but it is a fingernail. Kurz dared to use the Würstchen for the ‘Fingerrillen’, and had ketchup in the Brötchen and reinlegen the Würstchen.

Speichert is the Fingerfood idea for Halloween in the best way on Pinterest:

App execution: You are the happiest, were you happy? The free EatClub App powers Schluss damit. From fast food-oriented methods, a very healthy recipe with a healthy approach is all that is needed. Practical: With the digital shopping list of the app you can save your time in the supermarket!

We hope you enjoy our meal, and wish you will enjoy your holiday! Write about it on Instagram or on Facebook: We are always happy with feedback and feedback!