
Israelischer Angriff im Gazastreifen – US speaks of “ensetzlichen Bildern”

Israelischer Angriff im Gazastreifen – US speaks of “ensetzlichen Bildern”

A message that confirms Israel’s Vergeltung für den Iran. The US criticizes Israel for a hospital scare. All Entwicklungen in Newsblog.

0.22 Hours: The president of the Weltbank, Ajay Banga, was shocked by the Kriegsschäden by the Israeli fear on the Gaza Strip of 14 to 20 billion dollars. The Zerstörungen durch Israels Bombardierung des Südlibanon dürften dit regional Summe noch erhöhen, sagt Banga uf a Next-Veranstaltung von Reuters in Washington. The criticism is now relatively minor that the world economy is being expanded, while one of the conflicts in other countries places a greater burden on the global Wachstum slates, a light emission of substances, with hineinziehen.

10:02 PM: After one of the Israeli soldiers launched an attack on the armed forces in the Gaza Strip, the US government had Israel dealt an attack of its own. “Yes, I took a few pictures and I’m ready,” John Kirby, who spoke to the National Security Council at the White House, said in the background. Since it had become good, it was so that a man at lebendigem Leib was burnt. “The Israelis have won over the women in the laurel period with detailed information about the concrete facts of a number of cases,” Kirby said.

US-Medien reports about a Palestinian policy and the United Nations of four totens and zahlreichen Verletzten bei dem Angriff. When the Krankenhaus-gelände begins when the Messages are a Flüchtlingslager for the Menschen, the inside of the Gazastreifens Schutz is sucht. One of the best painters with the title “New York Times”, who shot the angry Flammen van Zelt from Zelt, which caused people to panic. A debt can be incurred if the Schutzraum is affected.

6.02 pm: The US government has allowed Israel to continue reporting about the 30-day humanitarian conflict in the Gaza Strip. Andernfalls had a repudiation against US military service – possibly greater than US military aid to Israel.

Who is another sender of CNN and the “Washington Post” messages, has received the coverage of US Secretary Antony Blinken and Secretary of State Lloyd Austin. It focuses on Israeli Foreign Minister Yoav Galant, who sees Minister for Strategic Interests Ron Dermer.

Blinken and Austin’s brief report mentioned “tief concern” about Lage in Gaza. If you find an “urgent and nachhal mass” among the Israeli government, the situation is so serious. Show the Writings of the Mix of Hilfslieferungen of the Frühjahr a more than 50 Prozent zurückgedingen, with the niedrigsten Stand im September seit Jahresbeginn. The US has started the “Leahy”-Gesetz-bundled. When the country comes out of the country, soldiers and armed forces continue to live their lives, while human rights abuses are perverted. These were brought to more critical attention by Israel.

5.51 pm: There are many Israeli people in Lebanon who are being tortured. Am Montag wurden in verschiedenen Regional insgesamt 41 People getötet, wie die Gesundheitsministerium am Nachmittag miteilte. 124 other things can be done.

Most people would call on a Luftangriff in the North of the Landes. Der Angriff im überwiegend von Christian bewohnten Ort Aito traf nach Angaben von Sicherheitskreisen ein Gebäude, in dem Binnenflüchtlinge Zuflucht gesucht hatten.

Nach Darstellung des Israeli Militairen would be a Soul with the Verbindung zur Hisbollah angegriffen. Der Fall was left unexamined. All data cannot be deleted.

4.22 pm: Wegen schwerer Gewalt-jüdischer Siedler gegen Palestinianser in West Jordan, Britain has new Sanctions against more Siedler organizations and illegal errichtete Außenposten. The Siedler has dissolved the “abnormal human rights violations” in the occupied territories and started helping British Minister David Lammy.

There was a trip in West Jordan hit by a Palestinian who hit a “grausamer gewalt” from Siedlern. “The independence of the Israeli government creates a climate of punishment, while the Gewalt der Siedlers exercise their power unhindered.” Auch Schulen and Families with small children see Ziel von Gewalt, such as Lammy. Israeli control has come to an end, the expansion of the settlements in a Palestine area has come to a halt.