
Neugestaltung des Sport-Club-Stadions: Spatenstich ist follow-up

Neugestaltung des Sport-Club-Stadions: Spatenstich ist follow-up

The traditions of the Spielstätte des Wiener Sport-Clubs have become a legend that has been renewed and modernized until the end of 20205. Now is the Spatial view hereafter, in the quarter of 2026 man will gauge the complete Inbetriebnahme of the Stadiums.

The Wiener Sport-Club passes the Stadium and the new era.

The Wiener Sport-Club passes the Stadium and the new era.

With the official spatenstich I started the new development of the stadiums of the Wiener Sport-Clubs. Those traditionsreiche Spielstätte in Wien-Hernals will become thoroughly modernized by the end of 2025. Complete participation will be measured before the second quarter of 2026. The new stadium is a venue for about 5,500 Zuschauerinnen and Zuschauer at national and about 4,500 at international games.

The soul of the Umbau is no longer in the stadiums in the Alszeile, but on a more knit Nutzung. While the Bau nach the “UEFA Category 2”-Standard-können in the playing field could also be added to the games of the ÖFB-Frauen-Nationalteams, of Nachwuchs-Nationalteams as well as Rugby- and American-Football-Matches ausgerichtet. If you do not incur any costs, you cannot receive a million euros.

Nachhaltig with photovoltaic energy

The unique Baustart appears in June with the Abbruch of the Haupttribune and the Tribüne Nord. If you turn off the door of Friedhof Dornbach, the Friedhofstribüne becomes more solid and the legendary warmth of the fans of the ehemalige Erstligisten is. The grandstand was conceived earlier, the count of both neubauts began to grow and work with photovoltaic energy. The Stadium ensures that energy is consumed quickly.

If the new main building provides a new photovoltaic energy installation, the power of 100,000 kWh will increase significantly. Combine with a hot pump on the stadium from a large energy source, a possible exceedance can occur in the Wiener Stromnetz.

The Südtribüne (Blue Tribüne) is cleaned and falls into the new Glanz erstrahlen. In the summer of 1904, football was played and rejected by the current Regionalliga Clubs that had been in other sports venues in Europe for so long. Die Vorfreude auf das new Zuhause ist gross. Fußball-Sektionsleiter David Krapf-Günther meinte: “There is a war going on about a better future, the shortening phase will provide a greater experience after a longer investor in time and the ability to see, who will be part of the new form will leave.”