
Somerset House in London: James Bond’s Threat in Flames | News

Somerset House in London: James Bond’s Threat in Flames | News

Feueralarm in Herzen London! The Somerset House in Flammen is located in the British Hauptstadt. Das Gebäude aus dem 18. Jahrhundert is a Center for Visual Arts and War on the Schauplatz in the two James Bond films. Whoever mitteilte the Fire Brigade on its

Rund 100 Fire Brigade with 15 Löschwagen wurden am Samstagmittag zum Einsatzort geufen, der am Ufer der Themse in the Innenstadt of London is.

I am James Bond strip “GoldenEye” in Somerset House Scenes, which is set in St. Petersburg in the film

Image from the James Bond series “GoldenEye”: Images in the Somerset House were shot in the film in St. Petersburg

Photo: PR/United Artists

The Rescue Service warns roads of the grim Rauchs

The Rescue Service warns people that the ways of the grim Rauchs are a good thing for Somerset House with girls. Businesses must close windows and doors, writes the London Ambulance Service on Platform X.

The Ursache for that Firework is not known to anyone.

Etwa 100 Einsatzkräfte löschten die Flammen

Etwa 100 Einsatzkräfte löschten die Flammen

Photo: Maja Smiejkowska/REUTERS

In Online Services, video recordings are dense Rauch clouds over the Dach des Gebäudes. Roads of the Firearms ist der Verkehr in der Umgebung eingeschränkt, das Gebiet großräumig abgesperrt.

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In the courtyard of Somerset House a continuous concert is played in the summer, in the winter months it is an ice rink.

The classical use is often also used as a Kulisse in Dreharbeiten, ua im James Bond movie “GoldenEye” or the 2008 film “The Herzogin”. I have brought this to another exhibition space.