
Großes Volksfest – Bremer Freimarkt starts with Schauspiel on the Marktplatz – Kultur

Großes Volksfest – Bremer Freimarkt starts with Schauspiel on the Marktplatz – Kultur

Bremen (dpa/lni) – A Schauspiel in front of the Roland statue in Bremen läutet am Freitag (2.30 PM) the Feierlichkeiten around the Bremen Freimarkt ein. Dieser is one of the largest folk festivals in Norddeutschland. After the experiences of fanfare clubs from the House of the Bremischen Bürgerschaft, one will be treated as a “Bremer Roland” costumer and one will be treated as a “smaller Roland” child at the Marktplatz, with whom the Internal and Economic Ressorts are covered. Then the market rights were sold since the year 1035 and the small Freimarkt on the Marktplatz was opened. Start the Freimarkt with zahlreichen Fahrgeschäften and Essensbuden at the Festgelände on the Bürgerweide after the Hauptbahnhof.

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