
Fair Week on climate justice

Fair Week on climate justice

Zahlreiche Veranstaltungen from September 13 to 27 in Walldorf

“With the fair weather we take into account the focus on climate justice for our environment – ​​and natural well-being,” says Thomas Bensch, spokesperson for the Fairtrade Steuerungsgruppe der Stadt Walldorf. Deshalb thinks zum Jahresthema „Fair. And no more Grad! – #fairtrading for climate justice” from September 13 to 27, we will provide you with a new climate change. “The action is now a matter of commitment to people from society, churches and community members,” said the Bürgermeister Matthias Renschler, who also thanked all those who would lead an honest life and active activity.

Der Auftakt traditionally takes place in the Rahmen der Walldorfer Einkaufsnacht statt. On Friday, September 13, from 7 to 10 p.m., the Steuerungsgruppe under the motto “Fair schlemmen” is with their stand on the Marktplatz. “We should always take a glass of Walldorfer Apfelsaft or Bio-Cidre with it,” he said. Another Apfelkuchen was sold for good measure. Leave your coffee at the end of the day from 17 p.m. to the mobile Espresso and Coffee Bar “KaffeeKaffee” from Nußloch with coffee available in fair trade. Also trade vegan and gluten-free coffee and specialty dishes.

The suspected Walldorfer Apfeltag, the Bettenfachgeschäft Gröner (Kleinfeldweg 52) with Unterstützung der Stadt Walldorf veranstaltet, found on Samstag, September 14, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. statt. The Walldorfer Apfelbäume entlang der Straßen and on the Wiesen slowly fell verlocking Früchte, which were in a joint action zu Apfelsaft verarbeitet. It is a mobile press that presses the button, the safety is high and the soft drink is ready to use. The roll call is airtight and has a barbell. On the Walldorfer Apfeltag you can use the mobile espresso and coffee bar “KaffeeKaffee”.

Two exhibitions are scheduled for Thursday, September 19, on the program of the Fair Week. In the Walldorf branch of the Sparkasse Heidelberg, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., there will be a “Non-renewable financial investments, renewable energy and renovation” event. If the generations are active in the coming generations and in renewable financial investments, it may be that they inform the expert experts of the Sparkasse. Ferner has an Ansprechpartner for the topics “Renewable energy” and “Renovation” for Verfügung. It is a great place to find a “Suppe mit Geheimnis” and a great community in Essen at 5 p.m. in the Begegnungshaus of the Fairtrade-Steuerungsgruppe and the Verein Begegnungen in Walldorf, veranstaltet. Here you will be notified by email on Monday, September 16, by notification by e-mail (email protected) or by phone 8994047 to the opening times of the Begegnungshauses.

With Waldpadagogin Sabine Ehnert it is Friday, September 20, 3:30 to 5 pm, with the “Forest product – Paper experience and self-repair” for the whole family in the Waldklassenzimmer in Hochholz. The parts are in the forest with all sins and scales for everyone, who is the whole forest product Paper. Community work, the Recycling was important, and own paper is restored. A registration by e-mail and (email protected) is bitten until the last Friday, September 13. Friday, September 20 is the ‘World Cleanup Day’. From 5 pm the city area will be brought back to its own neighborhood, with community with friends, acquaintances and neighbors. Please feel free to leave the climate control at 19 pm until you reach Café Jungle (Hauptstraße 6). Notifications are possible (email address) Welcome.

“Von Frauen für Frauen” was launched on the title of the Kleiderflohmarkts, the Katholische Frauengemeinschaft (kfd) in Samstag, September 21, at 2 pm in the Pfarrsaal under the Catholic Church Veranstaltet. Things might be different once you’ve been around for a while a few years later. Traditional clothing is becoming more and more fun or it is a trend. The kfd Walldorf can use this Trend approach. Beim Kleiderflohmarkt können gebrauchte Kleidung, aber auch Taschen, Gürtel or Modeschmuck new Besitzerinnen. Ben Samstagabend from 8 p.m. at the Tanzschule Kronenberger (Hauptstraße 2) with “Fairen Tanzabend”. Neben Tanzen were given Fairtrade offers, information about Fairtrade and a quiz.

The Evangelische Kirchengemeinde poses in Gottesdienst am Sonntag, September 22, 10:30 am, in the Stadtkirche in the context of the Fairen Woche and beschäftigt sich with Fragen who can weld the Rohstoffknappheit and unseren buchstäblich überflüssige Lebenswandel end in a Lebensweise die Zukunft for a child- and singular power? The Gottesdienst was the most Christian Glaube dazu zu sagen hat. I will be there from 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM under the motto “Wir moving family” of the WiWa-Familie-Bewegungstag statt. No sports boats from Vereinen from Walldorf and Wiesloch are Fairen Kaffee and Informationen at Fairen Handel.

The documentary film “The North Drift – Plastik in Strömen” is on Montag, September 23, 7 PM, when you are free to watch in the Luxor Film Palace. The film told Müll’s journey across the German Elbe to the Arctic Lake. Ein Gottesdienst zum Thema „Fair steht dir!“ findet am Freitag, September 27, 6:30 p.m., in the Catholic Church of St. Peter statt. On Samstag, September 28, it is a Rathaus of the “Tag zur Elektromobilität”. Different Autohaus users are interested in electrical models, which means that they are suitable for the electrical mobility theme and the user has the flexibility to do so, with their own accessories and accessories available. The city is deprived of a number of possible environmental programs.

Throughout the Fair Week, the Exhibition of the Festival Table “Eine Welt” in the AQWA Bath and Sauna Park and the Plakatausstellung “Fairtrade & Nachhaltigkeit” can be seen. Zum “Fairkosten” fair trade Lebensmittel wie Schokolade, Trockenfrüchten und Nüssen lädt der “lieber unpackt”-Laden (Sambugaweg 11) ein.


Fairtrade Steuerungsgruppe und Stadtverwaltung feuen sich abwechslungsreiche Faire Woche: (from left) Barbara Mühle, Thomas Bensch, Bürgermeister Matthias Renschler, Wirtschaftsförderin Susanne Nisius, Sandra Seitz and Bernhard Gröner.

Text: City of Walldorf
Photo: Pfeifer

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