
Music as Mittel zur Alzheimer-Sensibilisierung in Korian-Einrichtungen

Music as Mittel zur Alzheimer-Sensibilisierung in Korian-Einrichtungen

Die Italian hospital group von Guidonia Montecelio (RM), the Pflegeheim San Giuseppe in Rom and Villa Carla and Villa Silviana in Aprilia (LT) were filled with notes and melodies thanks to the songs of the young singer-songwriters Mirko Saitta, an Alzheimer’s that lasted for a while, for all zugängliches werkbekannt to make, to enjoy and to enjoy: the music.

Alzheimer’s, Aufruf der Patientverbonden and the G7 Führer

That Project

Die Einrichtungen des Gesundheitsnetzwerks Korian Italia in Roman and Latina erneuern ihr Engagement im Bereich Alzheimer en beeeligen sich am nationalen Project von Korian Italia zur Sensibilisierung für das Thema durch Musik. The initiative aims to specialize Alzheimer’s research, as healthcare and high specialization play an active role in the initiative’s initiative for Alzheimer’s patients and the treatment of families and relationships. “Bei Korian war the care of Alzheimer patients and the Unterstützung ihrer Betreuer schon immer eine Priorität. If you want to enjoy more people for years to come through the experience and knowledge, you will become more aware, a higher quality research into the quality of the diet, which with that Krankheit-konfrontiert sind“, erklärte Federico GuidoniPresident and CEO of Korian Italia. “With this initiative, the interest can be one of the often vernachlässigten Krankheit and the Betreuern konkrete Hilfe leisten, damn that it is not isolated. Those years are aimed at delving into the Jugend, such as the great songs of Mirko Saitta, one of the most exciting moments to study and play whatever role you play, from music, to an intergenerational contact instrument.”

Die Musik von Mirko Saitta in alle Korian-Einrichtungen

Mirko Saitta

“Due passi”, so the title of 2024 von Mirko Saitta at GreyLight Records, Liedes provides information about the zarten Consider a few pairs and your inner tensionde herausforderungen in Alzheimer’s disease, dem Wunsch, sich wieder zu kostenlos en im Hier en Jetzt jijsammen zu sein. The Young Singer-Songwriter, year 2000, explanation of the song: “The first thing I did, that I was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, was worth my psychology studies. An academic meeting, that is with the Krankheit meiner Großmutter Realität wurde. In those years it has been wise, it is a matter of doubt, Alzheimer’s disease with the advent of it, and whoever it is, that disease is farstehen, of studying and studying, one of the many things you can do, that you must lead.” Alzheimer’s often appeared as ‘Fernes’. Laut dem Demenz-Observatorium, coordinated by ISS, is in Italy with 1,100,000 people with Demenz. Davon, 50-60% suffer from Alzheimer’s, also etwa 600,000 years of people. Darüber already has three million direct or indirect involvement with Alzheimer’s patients in our country. These data have brought Mirko to Nachdenken and in a rapid time of failure, seinen Gefühlen through Musik Ausdruck zu verleihen. „I am in the nature of one’s person, in the experiences of life: those memories are lost, which define us as human beings, power over great fear. Even if you look at it, a gefühl in Musik zu fassen, is a geschichte zu erzählen, die een zijnt, aber von Metaphern lebt. If you see that you can identify with that music and find your own bed, a project by the director Nicholas Baldini can make the music video clear and arouse Korian’s interest. „I would like to write more carefully, with no one’s policy and no Fehler zu machen. If there are no experts, I can now know more, such Krankheit can help and help me, if I use the Theme differently. In Korian I have the other Half of the Apfels gefunden: the technical Kompetenz, the taglich Tausenden of Menschen hilft. Thank you, I think it’s as nice as Künstler: niece as a song writer, son as a person, their own relationship with social interests.”

Korian’s profile

Korian, a “Health Network”, a unique model in Italy, is part of the European Group Clariane, which is active in Europe in the Health and Social Area, is present in 6 Ländern (France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain), with more than 105,000 Betten and 60,000 Mitarbeitern. The Group includes more than 1,100 facilities in various areas: Altenpflegeheime, Pflegeheime and Rehabilitationskliniken, Polikliniken, home care and living facilities for a healthy and healthy lifestyle. In Italy, Korian has 73 Altenpflegeeinrichtungen, 54 Gesundheitseinrichtungen and 13 home care services. Including care for the group 65 care homes, 10 shelters for older people, 127 homes, 6 homes and communities for older people, 6 residences for people behind the scenes, 3 shelters for people behind the scenes, 14 care homes, 14 rehabilitation centers, 34 Polikliniken, 1 Zen trum für Essstörungen, 9 psychiatric communities, 8 hospices, 13 residential care services, with insgesamt 10,000 Betten and more than 2.5 million outpatients Leistungen pro Jahr. Korian Italia, with the Holding Segesta Spa SB, the alle Gesellschaften der Gruppe in Italy, is the first Betreiber, who is in the social economy and wants his Benefit-Gesellschaft, and will lose one of the great Unternehmen, that dieses Unternehmensmodell in Italian angel hat. It is a fact that there is a positive, concrete and measurable e-influence on all stakeholders involved in setting up their own e-institutions.

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