
Spanish Fußballer (27) is moving on Heimweg im Auto

Spanish Fußballer (27) is moving on Heimweg im Auto

Review after training game

Footballer (27) stirs on Heimweg im Auto

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Javier Guitián Rodríguez went to a Freundschaftsspiel on the Nachhauseweg.

San Jorge de Llanes

Javier Guitián Rodríguez has now worked for 27 years.

The game of the Asturian League war after a Friendship game of the Vereins San Jorge de Llanes at Urraca on the Weg nach Hause, when the Tragödie is ereignete. There is nothing but a car that has been taken out of the car, a Help that is arguing. But then it sinks softly together.

More like a stunde wiederbelebungsversuche

Guitián Rodríguez consciously lied. Passers-by, the Sows of the Vorfalls wurden, feel like a Notfallambulanz. The rettungskräfte organized a revival festival. Move the young man in a mobile intensive station more like a stunde lang to resuscitation, with local messages. Once again, help came to the rescue.

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Set in Asturias, a region in northern Spain, the film follows the tragic Tod von Guitián Rodríguez in Schock. Now that it is no longer a Mittelfeldspieler for a different war during the war, it is also the family of the hotelier family Guitián Rodríguez. This can last a year in the Vier-Stern-Hotel in Badeort and Surfer hotspot Llanes in the Spanish North Coast.

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Association and Friends-free

“We are looking forward to seeing you again in the days of the world and the family and friends,” wrote Guitiáns Klub San Jorge on Instagram. And further: “We were able to find a clear answer for this, but it was still possible. There is no Worte, a happiness that you describe, that you are in an inconspicuous Klub hinterland. There is a passion that is worth it. You want to see it!“

Fassungslosigkeit herrscht auch an der Hochschule IES von Llanes, wo Guitián Rodríguez studiedrte. “There was a war that was young, that was laughable and that was glücklich,” said a former Kommilitone of the regional newspaper El Comercio. “It’s a shame, that he died so young. It’s not fair. Nothing has ever happened that you stand for.” (WWI)