
Ski Freestyle: Ragettli and Gremaud with new Ansätzen in the new season

Ski Freestyle: Ragettli and Gremaud with new Ansätzen in the new season

Andri Ragettli starts with Freitag about the Dächern of Chur in the Freestyle Winter - with new creative tricks in the repertoire
Andri Ragettli starts with Freitag about the Dächern of Chur in the Freestyle Winter – with new creative tricks in the repertoire


With the Big Air you can use the ski and snowboard freestyler in the Freitag and Samstagabend in the Weltcup Winter. View the most interesting results of the Schweizer Top Athletes and their Anlass.

Who will see the (sports) program in Chur?

At the end of the freeskier’s final, at the same time as the snowboarder, jeweils start at 8 p.m. and approx. 10 p.m. The qualifications take place in the form of the final phase (until approx. 2 p.m.), for the final qualification the best men and the best eight women are selected. Abgerundet is a sporting program with a cultural rahmen program with musical live acts. Erwartet became more than 20,000 Besucher; 2023 had a circulation of 27,500.

Welche Schweizer Top athletes since the start?

Swiss ski cap 24 athletes and athletes for the first Heim-Weltcup der Saison selection – 17 freeskiers and 7 snowboarders. Andri Ragettli and Mathilde Gremaud lead the 24-member Schweizer Aufgebot. Ragettli feierte zum Abschluss or letzten Saison seinen zölften Weltcupsieg, mustste in de Gesamt- und Disziplinenwertungen der Amerikan Konkurrenz um Alexander Hall in de Vortritt-lassen. Mathilde Gremaud is in her perfect winter period in the Kristallkugel – Big Air, Slopestyle and Gesamtweltcup – at a place that is now 13 Weltcupsiegen.

Among the female snowboarders, Ariane Burri is the only Swiss woman in the field, with the male leader Nicolas Huber (29) a young Sechser team. The most prominent absentee is the extremely lost 26-year-old German Freeskier Giulia Tanno.

Was the gift new to Andri Ragettli?

Andri Ragettli went with the Fernziel Olympia 2026 in Northern Italy as a result of his way. Trotz schwerer Knieverletzung 2021 started with 26 years, it is a beautiful beer with 19 years. In the new season the repertoire has become a number of tricks. The Hauptaugenmerk lies about the creditworthiness – jenem Aspekt, der wiederholt Abzüge bei den Richtern einbracht hat.

Elf der zwölf Weltcupsiege is WM-Gold and – Bronze 2021 and 2023 gewann Ragettli in Slopestyle. Im Big Air is one of the best ways to leave the Spitze, such as Rank 2 in the zipline wertung of the best Vorsaison. Before the result is in concrete, it is a “neither mitten in the preparation” for nor other training, one at a higher level. The biggest change at Ragettli is the new Kleider-Ausrüster ELHO.

Was the new work by Mathilde Gremaud?

Mathilde Gremaud was the power of the Kurzem in her inspiration with the star Austrian downhill mountain biker Valentina Höll and is looking forward to traveling to Innsbruck and visiting the Elternhaus in the free La Roche. In Innsbruck, the 24-year-old 2022 Olympic Games were no longer with our friends, but there were so many optimal training sessions for the Kurzem gegenüber CH Media.

When you have become a reifer, say Gremaud. With the mental relationships, which play in the Zwischensaisons, they will feel better, nunmehr with professional psychological Hilfe. One of the last winter games that provided a new Tricks experience was Gremaud, 2024/25 not included in all Weltcups activities. “When I watch the winter, I see a man for all sieges. Aber ski technical has a fortschritte might. If my tricks are performed regularly, new, bigger tricks will be a reality when they do.

Welche Highlights in the 2024/25 season?

The Saison Highlight is the Heim-WM, from 16. to 30. März in Engadin (St. Moritz/Silvaplana) and the distributed Skicross, Aerials and Mogul piste are umfasst. From January to January 21 at Crap Gion from 20. Mal das Laax Open (16. to 21. January), played a week in Aspen, Colorado, which is prestigious, after the Weltcup zählenden X-Games statt.

Who is financing the Big Air Chur?

City Events of the Freestyler, which takes place in Chur or until 2014 in Zurich ( during the Publikum in Anklang, is an exciting opportunity for financing. The duration of the Big Air Church will be completed in 2026. The budget has generated a run of four million francs, the city of Chur, the Sparhammer that will win prizes in 2021, will yield a return with less commitment of 300,000 francs for marketing. «300,000 Francs for 60 Millionen Medienkontakte und een Medienwert von zehn Millionen Francen pro Veranstaltung, dat ist sehr gut. In 2026, his passion was a political issue. If I am one of the best people who see the commitment, says Victor H. Zindel, OK Chairman Big Air of Stadt Chur.

Seitens der Churer Bevölkerung gibt is auch Kritik, for all ways higher prices, the line-up of bands or aus Environmental Aspects.

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