
Idea of ​​Heidi Strobl – Wetzelsdorf: Library of 1,000 Kochbücher is now available

Idea of ​​Heidi Strobl – Wetzelsdorf: Library of 1,000 Kochbücher is now available

Heidi Strobl has started a project with 1,000 cooking books in the night watch at the Poysdorfer parish church for one day at the festival festivals: Culinary fans would have made a complete recipe from Mallorca in Vietnam, they wanted to read, copy and become abphotographers. Now the collection in Schüttkasten-Keller on Wetzelsdorfer Rennweg a new Zuhause.

“If the Regale was aufgestellt, I thought it was like that, but just, with Freunden gemeinsam die Kochbücher einzuräumen,” he paints. Spontan was loaded via Facebook and my Freundeskreis dazu. The numbered works were changed into more detailed results. The concept bleibt gleich – es hat itself bewährt. Now four Kochbücher wurden entwendet, dafür wurden 30 Exemplare ergänzt.

“Liebe z Kochbüchern hangt with my job sister”

The 1,000 examples of the Kochbuch Library are now part of Strobl’s collection and were collected in the last 20 years of all the world. “The love of my food and the pleasure of all my pleasures depends on nature with my job,” said Strobl, who is staying at the Gasthaus “Zur Schwarzen Katz” in Wien Hernals. Ihre Eltern and Großeltern come from Wetzelsdorf. The Kulinarik expert regularly writes Bücher, loves with “Lilli bought” children’s shopping tips and starts with weeder projects.

It is possible that the Helfer after Getaner with a cozy Beisammensein with self-supported Marillenkuchen and Strobl-Rosé for my Mithilfe-belohnt. One of the new ideas that the Schüttkasten offers is an ideal Rahmen for the party. The guests could smökern in cooking boxes, while Strobl was bought with pleasure. Man thinks it is good.