
Current research for the new mobile radio standard 6G

Current research for the new mobile radio standard 6G

With care robots, autonomous vehicles or digital Zwilling – all high-tech applications play a vital role in the new mobile radio standard 6G. The first commercial 6G networks will be available starting in 2030. Schon heute erproben entwickeln Forschende der Technische Universität München (TUM) and the TU Dresden in the initiative 6G-life and 6G Zukunftslabor Bayern the basic legends Mechanisms of the next Mobilfunk generation. There is a full-fledged communication system with components that now originate from German start-ups. Weitere additional projects with this form. The investigations are carried out for interviews for processing.

Während bei 5G de Kommunikation swiss Maschinen in Vordergrund Steht, soll bei 6G der Mensch und Seine Kommunikatie und Interaction met Maschinen und virtuallen Welten in de Mittelpunkt rücken. The Forschenden von TUM and TU Dresden follow four ground-legend Fragestellungen: Who would be the Kommunikation nor Schneller? Who can protect the private sphere and get angry? Who can maximize the Ausfallsicherheit for critical analyzes in industry and meditation? How could digital communication proceed?

Both projects for the 6G life and the 6G company in Bayern envision Germany playing a role in the development of 6G technology. An der TUM since über 30 Professuren and the Initiatives are becoming and developing their future future themes: