
Versicherungen: Swiss Life continued during your stay

Versicherungen: Swiss Life continued during your stay

Der Versicherer Swiss Life continues with Wachstumskurs. (Archive image)
Der Versicherer Swiss Life continues with Wachstumskurs. (Archive image)


The Finanzkonzern Swiss Life has risen in the first new month of the years as well as in the future and is on the right path, with a strategic focus on future development.

Swiss Life hat in the first quarter of the years that I experience in the Prämien when I experience the Gebühreneinnahmen a Wachstum-verzeichnet. The Konzernchef Matthias Aellig concretet, while the Unternehmen are on a good track, which have been set in the framework of the «Swiss Life 2024»-Programs, sees improvements or sogar zu übertreffen.

In the financial sector, the sale and sale of the Vorsorgeproducts, Swiss Life could raise a compensation of 5 Prozent on 1.88 Billion Francs, was in local Währungen a Wachstum von 6 Prozent inspricht. Auch im Versicherungsgeschäft is de Prämieneinnahmen um 3 Prozent auf 15,9 Billiarden Francs, in premises Währungen um 4 Prozent. The direct instructions from the Capital Layers are written on the 3-Milliard Market with an anlagendite of 2.2 Prozent.

Starke performance in France

In Switzerland, on the Heimatmarkt, Swiss Life worth 8.0 Billion Francs and more, the Fee-Einnahmen becomes a 5 Prozent out of 252 Million. The production disruptions in the automatic drive are caused by the commotion amounting to 7.7 billion francs. In France, the Unternehmen verzeichnete a strong Wachstum with an Anstieg der Prämieneinnahmen um 12 Prozent auf 5,6 Billiarden Euro, angetrieben durch das Lebengeschäft. The Fee-Einnahmen in France costs 16 Prozent on 416 Million Euro.

In Germany the price would be 1.1 billion euros, while the compensation would yield an amount of 10 percent on 602 million euros. I am an international company that has earned 7 commissions on 1.5 billion euros, while costs are 283 million euros.

Bedeutung der Swiss Life Asset Managers

The Einheit Swiss Life Asset Managers have played a role in the internal world of the Group, which deals with the Verwaltung of Assets for Drittkunden with Pensionkassen. The Fee-Einnahmen aus diesem Bereich believed themselves with 699 Millionen Francs, wrought the Geschäft with Drittkunden 436 Millionen beisteuerte. Der Neugeldzufluss von Drittkunden were jedoch rückläufig and betrug 3.4 Billiarden, verglichen mit 8.4 Billiarden in Vorjahr.

Ausblick und zukünftige Ziele

Swiss Life looks beyond the Kurs, the programs «Swiss Life 2024» are extended or extended. The own capital return would be more visible than the angestrebten 10 to 12 percent. At 3. This month we plan our future, with a few investor tags, new ones for the coming years.
