
Finger away: 2 Hausmittel machen die Erkältung schlimmer

Finger away: 2 Hausmittel machen die Erkältung schlimmer

If you are experiencing a problem in your home, the symptom is linder. Every now and then the generation is made more difficult or the erkältung becomes so schlimmer machen.

If the experience doesn’t last longer if you don’t know, the best you can do is help and harm whatever.

Trockener Husten: Avoid Kamilletee

If the chamomile is used to make the chamomile disappear, the chamomile can do its job. Bei Reizhusten can make this Pflanze counterproductive. Kamille worked at the Schleimhäute, was the only man who could neither hust nor stiffen.

Statt zu lindern, kann der Hustenreiz dadurch verschlimmert be. Besser geeignet sind diesem Fall feuchtigkeitspendende Mittel, die Schleimhäute beruhigen and the Hustenreiz lindern.

Finger away from warmer Milch

Warm milk with gold plating as a classic house is erkältungen, but Vorsicht: at Husten, the gender of warmer milk can shlimmet the problem.

Milch fördert de Schleimbildung in den Atemwegen, was beesonderen bei verschleimtem Husten unstigest. Statt den Husten zu lindern, wird das Abhusten of zähen Schleims erschwert.

This can be in der Milch enthaltene Fett die Schleimhäute reisen. Besser sind getränke, the Hals stirs and the Schleim loose, who Kräutertees or warms Wasser with Honig.

Erkältung: Vorsicht bij Medikamenten

Trotz unangenehmer Symptom does not apply to strong medications, says Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld of the German Hausärzteverband.

Many people live in a safe house with a warm welcome, steam baths, drinks or the classic home furnishings. If this virus infection can no longer occur, it would be a shame to remove the virus during regeneration, i.e. from the Mediziner.

It often happens that the symptoms manifest themselves in the body, while the organism is not burdened by the drugs. The protection of the virus itself is suppressed, while the immune system is protected – was the long-term treatment of the disease.