
First Majestic gibt Aktienrückkaufprogramm bekannt

September 10, 2024 – Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada) / IRW-Press / First Majestic Silver Corp. (NYSE: AG) (TSX: AG) (FWB: FMV) (known as the “Company” or “First Majestic”) If the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) has made the acquisition of First Majestic, there is a Back Purchase Program (the “Back Purchase Program”) that has taken over the facilities of the TSX and/or an alternative Canadian trading system.

Gemäß dem NCIB kan First Majestic Während des zwölfmonatigen Zeitraums, starting on September 12, 2024 and ending on September 11, 2025, up to 10,000,000 seiner Stammaktien (“Aktien”) erwerben, was etwa 3.32% der 301,616,350 ausgegeben en ausstehenden Aktien from September 4, 2024 entspricht. All programs under the Aktienrückkaufprograms were implemented by the previous market prices.

First Majestic can count 193,454 copies (which have 25% of the trading volumes of the Aktien in the following calendar months, that is to 773,816 Aktien believe), vorbehaltlich der TSX-forms, the Blockkäufe jijassen. All programs within the framework of the promotional programs were canceled by the relevant market conditions and all vom Unternehmen erworbenen Aktien were cancelled. The purchase of the active programs was carried out by Broker of First Majestic on the basis of the TSX and the currently generated parameter parameters. First majestic hat in the letzten zwölf Monaten keine signaler Aktien im Rahmen aines ordnungsgemäßen Aktienrückkaufprogramms zurückgekauft.

First Majestic is the Auffassung, that is the Marktpreis seiner Aktien of Zeit zu Zeit the zurgrund lieden Wert of the Unternehmens and of these they are able to experience Geschäftsaussichten not fully wider mirrors konnte. The Unternehmen is the Auffassung, the Erwerb von Aktien zu Solchen Zeiten is the best interest of the Unternehmens. Once you get started, all companies can expand their operations, increasing your previous capital commitment on the external market.

About First Majestic

First Majestic is a mining brand, the main brand of silver and gold production in Mexico and the USA. The company currently owns and operates the San Dimas Silver/Gold Mine, the Santa Elena Silver/Gold Mine and the La Encantada Silver Mine is a portfolio of exploration and discovery voyages, one of the Jerritt Canyon gold projects in northern Nevada.

First Majestic is a company that uses its property from the Münzprägeanstalt, First Mint, LLC, and makes a portion of the silver production from the production of Kauf products. Barren, coins and medallions can be found online at, where the new dyeable premiums were acquired.

For more information, please visit our website at You can email us at [email protected] or call us at 1.866.529.2807.



Keith Neumeyer, president and CEO

Vorsorglicher Hinweis in Bezug auf zkunftsgerichtte Aussagen

This press conference has added “future-oriented information” and “future-oriented statements” to the American and American-American paper industry (future-oriented statements). The future-oriented results in the press conference are carried out in a different way by the manufacturer of anteilen in the NCIB bots of the companies and the time-point-solcher-käufe. Häufig, aber nicht immer, sind zkunftsgerichtte Aussagen an der Verwendung von Wörtern wie “plant”, “erwartet”, “wird erwartet”, “budgetiert”, “planted”, “schätzt”, “prognostiziert”, “beabsichtigt”, “antizipiert” or “glaubt” or Abwandlungen (einschließlich negativeer Abwandlungen) solcher Wörter und Phrases zu acknowledge, or sie besagen, dass bestimmte Handlungen, Ereignisse oder Ergebnisse “ergriffen were können”, “könnten”, “würden”, “dürften” or “werden”, detect or take into account. It is possible that there is a problem and that there are risks associated with solving problems, and other factors, that you can use, while the tatsächlichen ergebnisse, leistungen or erolge des Unternehmens erheblich von den zkunftsgerichteten Aussagen ausgedrückten or implizierten Ergebnissen , Leistungen or Erfolgen abweichen. If you want the tattoos to be very good, then in recent years there has been a lot of data on the “Beschreibung der Geschäftstätigkeit – Risikofaktoren” published on December 31, 2023 about the recent history of the situation, which includes the Canadian Wertpaperaufsichtsichtsunder the SEDAR+ Profile of the Humanities under www.s eingereicht wurde, anyway im Years message des Unternehmens auf Formular 40-F for das am 31. Dezember 2023 to the end of the meeting of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission to EDGAR under eingereicht wurde.

If you are looking for a way to determine the identity of the factory, you can find the tattoos very easily in the most targeted functions, which other factories can use, which work very well, or which are very bad or not light cases. Dementias are caused by the fact that you are warned, if you have an unpleasant goal in some matters that you want to verlas. The resulting targeted representation of the publication of this press conference, and the fact that the external representation is no longer focused on carrying out activities, has never been so easy when it comes to new information not, future events, circumstances or falls die Estimates or Opinions of the Managements ändern sollten, or from other grounds.

The Ausgangssprache (in the Rule English), in the original text which is light, is the official, authorizing and legally binding version. These instructions can be carried out with confidence. The German language can be kürzt or jijammengefasst. There is no Verantwortung or Haftung für de Inhalt, de Direction, de Angemessenheit or de Genauigkeit dieser Übersetzung übernommen. Aus Sicht des Übersetzers stelltt die Notification keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung dar! Bitte beachten See the English original notification at,, or on the company website!

The original English message can be found at the following link:
The completed report can be found at the following link:


Aktuelle Pressemeldungen die Unternehmens direkt in Ihr Postfach:

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