
Matter – Zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit – Wireless

Matter – Zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit – Wireless

The standard connecting matters are intended to make the Smarthome connection of vereinheitlichen and vereinfachen. While it takes about a year for the case to become a reality, the problem is with the Geräten and the unreliable information. Wird Matter nor a central role in Smarthome games?

Entgegen der Beteuerungen der Matter-Initiatoren – Apple, Amazon, Google, Samsung – anyway Anbieter von Matter-fähigen Endgeräten and der CSA (Connectivity Standard Alliance) met über 400 Mitgliedern, scheint Matter für de Anwender nor in Schwung komommen zu sein. If you may be lying, it is not even a fact that you acknowledge that it is the standard issue, but that the logo is versed is not possible with all the geeiigneten Geräten you find. Selbst from the Gerätebeschreibungen Hersteller from Google, Samsung or Bosch has never been to Germany, now the jewelery establishments are own technology or aber auch Matter unterstützt wird. On the Internet you could listen with Matter compatible devices (1), which never have a hilarious problem. If you buy a new device, nor are you active, and the links no longer exist from the old device, perhaps it is a (irritating) page of the jewelry repair shops.

In the Grunde, Matter works entirely with software on the Schicht 7 of the OSI models (OSI, Open Systems Interconnection). The device does not apply to Matter in the terminal equipment – BLE with WLAN or Thread – implements, undertakes the own (promoting) technology of the jewelry repairers, which is almost the basis for Matter images, was most WLAN entspricht and wofür der Repairer sets his own smartphone app for repair.

If you do more research into the way you study the technology and the apps and think about your Security Thinking, it is not the case that the apps’ own data is downloaded into Smarthome and that they are expanded, with the question of the verlopenheit Solte . Here you will find a simple account for your Smart Home – a Cloud – for the Jewelry Repairer Matter-Central areas.

If there is a problem with the CSA, a Matter network will no longer be available after commissioning (2) from the Internet and the connection to the automatic function will be removed. The secret network needs a Matter-compatible device for apps and smart home drivers on the way to the Internet. The communication must also master local mobile smartphones, Hub and Endgerät-stattfinden (können). Obwohl the Repairer generally dies, ist from the Gerätebeschreibungen leader nicht ersichtlich, ob dies tatsächlich der Fall ist. Running Matter functions with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, or Siri on the Apple Home Kit is a peculiar attack, eliminating any internet-connecting functionality.

Netzwerkkoplungseinheiten after the OSI-Schichtenmodell

  • Repeater: Signal starter, signal setter or a mediocre converter, the simple network over the OSI flash connects 1 to another.
  • Center: Traditionally as a manufacturer or a star-verteiler protective net, which works on the principle of a repeater and opens an input signal to more ports, was on the OSI-Schicht 2-stattfindet.
  • Switch: There is a hub on the OSI screen 2 and determine the contents of the full data transfer rate for sale.
  • Bridge: If you select a filter function on OSI screen 2, the signal will now be segmented so you can find the address. A Bridge is used to display MAC address addresses for the automatic LANs in a network segment.
  • Router: Router goes to OSI-Schicht 3, soft drinks 1 and 2 of the connected networks can be connected. Router since üblicherweise für die Kopplung von Netzen, z. B. xDSL–Ethernet, equipped with a local network with the Internet to connect.
  • Entrance gate: It is possible to connect through the OSI screen 3 to a gateway function on the principle of a router with the appropriate codes and protocols that can be installed on the Internet, which is an option for the configuration of the Zigbee or Z-Wave protocol on the Internet Protocol (IP) for the case is unknown.

Die Matter-Zentrale

If you use another Smarthome system, this is the basis of a Matter Hub (2) which contains a router for Wi-Fi (WLAN) and a better wire and is installed as Matter-Zentrale.

Kein Matter network works on a hub, here notification is made on an Apple iPhone
Figure 1. Kein Matter network on a hub, reported here on an Apple iPhone.

The most well-known Matter controller is a smartphone with the appropriate app that is linked to an IPv6 package to the Matter Hub, which is converted into the integrated WiFi and Thread packages and goes to your end-ready means of transport (Image 1).

A restore that described the Matter Hub, both the Matter Controller and the Matter Router, was performed. The current situation is that the functional protocols that provide IP Transport, such as Zigbee or Z-Wave, so-called “Matter Bridges” can be installed in the matter infrastructure. The definition of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) comes from Bridges, other Gateways. In the Info box »Network connections after the OSI-Schichten-modell« the various Bezeichnungen are explained.

A Matter-Zentrale (Matter Hub) is not a Matter network possible (Figure 1), the image is quasi the Matter platform, usually with a device from Amazon, Apple, Google, Samsung or Bosch, and communicates with the dazugehörigen app on the smartphone.

Overview of the description, which can function as Matter Centers (Matter Hub).
Table. View the description that is possible as Matter-Zentralen (Matter Hub).

In der Table and Matter-fähige Geräte der bekannbanden Hersteller aufgeführt, die als Matter-Zentralen work können. If you are using a Smart Speaker, the display cannot be shown. An iPhone is suitable for the Einrichtung van Matter-Geräten from Apple (Home Kit), but with other devices – or with an Apple iMac – the functionality is not. The Google Home software is fully available for Android version 6.0 and is also used for iOS.

If you use a Matter Hub on the Internet, you can buy the Matter Smarthome Hub M1 with Matter logo from the Chinese company Tya – 53 Euro at Amazon. Our customers sell products under the brand names of Benexmart, Calex or Woox in the Baumärkten. Once the Tya company is included in the CSA, the transfer of the Matter Hub is no longer a matter of doing business and the »contact feudigkeit on the Internet« is not German at all. When the most recent documentation from Matter-Geräten – from China – appeared on the market, Akzeptanz technology was no longer suitable.
If you are looking for a Low-Power-Funksystem Thread, then this is not yet the case – Hubs, the first update of the case has become, there is no longer WLAN available, but it is possible to get an Echo- model of Amazon from Amazon to use Autumn is. Deshalb is the most important thing, before the purchase is verified, the radio standard is unterstützt. All Aussage, a Gerät Matter compatible, does not apply.

Samsung smart stuff

Smart Things is a system from Samsung, which can use Ethernet, WLAN, Zigbee and Z-Wave, Soda is a bit more of shifting sensors and active devices. From version 3 of Smart Things, Thread and Matter are not available. Samsung itself has used the Matter Hubs more, the status is the Smart Things Home Hub V3 from the company Aeotec for about 120 Euro.

Bosch Smart Home

For the Smarthome system from Bosch it is a fast way to generate an electrical current at Rauch- and Wassermelder, Alarmanlagen, Beleuchtungs- and Rollladensteuerungen, Thermostat, Türschlösser and Kameras. It is easy to use Zigbee and it is possible to expand a system with previous factory partners.

A long update for Matter will be released from June 2024 for the Smart Home Controller II (approx. 75 Euro). The previous Smarthome end devices are no longer suitable for business, but some communication systems are now a larger protocol with the controller.

  1. Matter – Zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
  2. Matter Einrichtung with Google Nest Hub
  3. Literature

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