
Conditions for Lkw-Fahrer hearing for Auftraggeber-Verantwortung

Conditions for Lkw-Fahrer hearing for Auftraggeber-Verantwortung

You can no longer use the working conditions at Zulieferern in Auge Haben, under the Gütertransport. The new EU Lieferkettendirective can get a boost. There is a very active study carried out by the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung with.

Veronique Helwing-Hentschel, Martin Franz and Philip Verfürth from the University of Osnabrück have set up a financing project in the logistics industry in one of the foundations. If you analyze another, look at the LkSG (Sufferkettensorgfaltsliflichtengesetz) since 2023 and the EU’s Fuel Threshold Directive (CSDDD) that helps to obtain basic legal rights.

“Ausbeuterische und teilweise gegen Menschenrechte vertoßende Praktiken” find themselves completely in the Nähe: on the nächsten Autobahn, so the Forschenden in their study. Now that the means of transport in Germany are connected, the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung is put into operation. For 15 years they have been demnach nor 64 years. Many people who leave our streets often come from Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Lithuania or from the states in the EU. Die Löhne is not like that, the Arbeitsbelastung is high.

In the industry, large-scale legal and cost printing are prevalent. Digitalization is often spread, the display is of the flat form or the real reproduction of charity, so the foundation continues. The great speed becomes higher and lower, while the teilweise abermals reach further.

Many of the Labor and Social Standards are subordinate to the Subunternehmensbeziehungen an der Tagesordnung, so the Researches of Study. The international development has much to do with the fact that the German firms are personal.

I lost a year in the Erinnerung as the two Protestaktionen von Lkw-Fahrern in Deutschland an der Raststätte Gräfenhausen, the öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit erzielten. Neben der Gewerkschaft Ver.di trat auch das Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) auf de Plan, een Ansprüche der Beschäftigten Durchzusetzen und een Einigung für die Fahrer zu erzielen, so de Stiftung. The war ‘one of the first Anwendungsfälle des LkSG in der Logistik’, so Veronique Helwing-Hentschel, – the BAFA is for the control and duration of the delivery packages. Die Behörde durchhörstete te unter de Hunderte von Freightbriefen und meer Dokumenten.

If you are bald, you can say that “die Konsequenzen für Unternehmen seit der Einführung des Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtgesetz bislang radiates relatively light”, so die Forschenden. If you die, the Gesetz will take over the new EU Directive. For all people in the two Gründen: First of all, consider your partner and your partner – and sub-unternehmen – proactively on the Einhaltung von Standards überprüfen. Two things could be better than with the payment of sanctions.

If you want to trade another company, you can find more Transparenz in the transport chain of your company, such as Helwing-Hentschel, Franz and Verfürth. If you use one of the following usage data, it will be used once by the end of the rest time. If you are a wiser person, the data is important, show the researchers. This bed is a “slimming of the very very necessary steps towards the establishment of regulatory disruptions in international road transport”.

Weitere bräuchten Lkw-Fahrer a bessere Versorgungsinfrastruktur, a etwa that since 2022 verbotene, aber denn häufig practizierte and few erholsame overnight in the Fahrerkabine on the Autobahnraststätte to unterbinden. Schließlich plädieren die Forschenden für den Ausbau von – beispielsweise gewerkschaftlichen – Beratungsinfrastrukturen.

“The research has had an important significance in terms of the consequences for workers and workers in transport logistics if Germany implements the EU Loyalty Directive. And you’ll be faster, better again,” says Christina Schildmann, Head of Abteilung Forschungsförderung at the Stiftung.