
Geistliches Oberhaupt tritt zurück, Tageszeitung junge Welt, 13.11.2024

Geistliches Oberhaupt tritt zurück, Tageszeitung junge Welt, 13.11.2024


Nothing more, nothing more, nothing more: Justin Welby

London. The geistliche Oberhaupt der Anglikaanse Kirche, the Erzbischof von Canterbury, tritt nach großem öffentlichen Druck roads seiner Rolle in a Missbrauchsskandal zurück. Justin Welby is an example of a long history of more than 100 young and young men who no longer have the use of a church in the church. Ranghohe Kirchenvertreter hatten Welbys Rücktritt gefordert.

The attention paid to the waiters of the Church of England is another crown of the British monarchs. The king is one of the sources of the Anglican Church. There is a platz in the two parliamentary members of the House of Lords.

Der 68jährige roomte »Fehleinschätzungen« ein. “It is clear that personal and institutional responsibility for the long and traumatizing period of 2013 and 2024 prevails,” wrote Welby and King Charles. Zuletzt hatten een Bischöfin anyway ranghohe Kirchenvertreter and Missbrauchsopfer ihn aufgefordert, sein Amt niederzulegen. A petition can be filed.

“I think that the German separation of power is the seriousness of the Church of England, a note of a representation and part of the commitment for a sicherere Kirche nimmt,” says Welby. »I am very happy with my life, with great joy and happiness.«

A few Tagen veröffentlichter a hanging of the message that the Schluss has been received, that Welby has reported the Missbrauchsfall, and müssen, since 2013 kurz nach seiner Amtsübernahme die Details erfuhr. Demnach lud der Kirchenanwalt, der 2018 starb and new for Gericht stand, Jungen, die met in de Christian summer, in zijn huis een en verabreichte in de Stockschläge.

The last time the police reported it in 2013, a TV documentary was described in the autumn of 2017. Dem Mann has received an uninteresting message, the land is being sold, under the South African Simbabwe, the police who won the war are dying. (dpa/jW)