
If you want to make such an art, you can do this

If you want to make such an art, you can do this

Dit is like the great finale of life, of life, before no one can push it in itself. Manche Menschen are schafft, who make these people walk in an absurd show. If you get a message that one of the reasons is that you are laughing Jenseit? Whether a person has an idea, what is the mirror image of the world of your life? Yes, everything is a good thing. And that is now the Spitze des Eisbergs!

If you experience a thing or two, it’s all about the most absurd “Abgänge” of the story.


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That Greek philosophy may have the most seriousness of the themes, but there is so much that it can take a while to laugh.


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Le legend nach sah Chrysippus a Esel, der a Feige aß. That war is so lustful that it has become a Lachanfall… and he has to laugh.

Li Po

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Li Po

Der Tod des chinesischen Dichters war so poetic wie seine Verse. Imagine doing the following: Li Po sits on a plate and looks at the reflection of the world on the wash water. Van der Liebe zum Mond überwältigt, versucht er, in zu uarmen, kippt vom Boot and ertrinkt. A sad ending, but with a thoughtful lyrical ending.

Clement Vallandigham

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Clement Vallandigham

American politics and Anwalt Clement Vallandigham are said to have run out of steam. There is something that is going fresh in the direction, when there is a terrible background. Er brought his “für eine Sache sterben” to a whole new Ebene!

Clement Vallandigham

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Clement Vallandigham

There are many people who have the opportunity to be chosen themselves. The more ironic, when it comes to a schmerzhafte, then the war that Waffe has loaded – there is a schoss itself in the Blase. And from Urteil? Der Verdächtige wurde von der Anklage freigesprochen.

Tycho Brahe

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Tycho Brahe

Das Ableben dies of the astronomical war not because of that world. Zunächst all thought it was going to be a banquet. If you have made an analysis in the year 2010, this is an overdose of Höflichkeit gestorben sein!

    Tycho Brahe

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Tycho Brahe

Die Todesursache von Brahe? A flattened Blase. There is a problem that is the essence of the verlassen. An extreme label – and it’s fun – can end.

King Adolf Frederick

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King Adolf Frederick

Apropos Essen: It’s clear, that’s King Adolf Friedrich von Schweden seine Mahlzeiten mage. And heavy sehr. Angeblich is een Gicht, und his vast Genuss verschlimmert de Krankheit nur noch.

King Adolf Frederick

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King Adolf Frederick

Eines Abends goes through the big party with Kaviar, Hummer, other Fleischsorten and Champagner. You can set a Mahl fugte on noch 14 Semla (traditionelle süße Brötchen) hinzu. A major destruction campaign has begun, which would cause a whole Bauch war.

King Martin von Aragon

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King Martin von Aragon

And then another of the Spanish kings, it is true that Essen fell just as well as Lachen Starb. Was the power one of the monarchs, which was a state of affairs in every respect? Genau, it’s a legend.

King Martin von Aragon

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King Martin von Aragon

The war would be so much fun! Der Hofnarr des Königs, Borra, bett das Zimmer und erzählte ihm angeblich een tollen Witz. The king laughed like that, that’s a bet and a star. It’s a matter of laughing at the Bauch heraus!

King Martin von Aragon

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King Martin von Aragon

The Witz War: “I think Weinberg is a youngster who hangs Schwanz and a Baum, if he is punished like this, we will get the fear.” It’s a four-way battle and an exciting combination.

Jean-Baptiste Lully

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Jean-Baptiste Lully

The French composer born in Italy served at the court of Ludwigs XIV. von Frankreich und verstarb bei der Ausübung seines Berufs: dem Conductiers.

Jean-Baptiste Lully

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Jean-Baptiste Lully

I was glad to see that you were happy with your conductor’s staff, so that you would be happy with it. If it’s okay, if you amputate, Lully will refuse, but it will cost a lot of money. Of course you spread the infection, under the protection of Sensenmann on the Tanzfläche.

Attila of the Huns

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Attila of the Huns

The herrscher war bei the Römern gefürchtet, but there is a starb again in the camp, nor is there a mistake. Stattdessen betrank sich Atilla with the signalman Hochzeitsfeier. If the new Frau Ildico is in sein Zelt kam, he will be scared and angry.

Attila of the Huns

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Attila of the Huns

Atilla said it was a problem because she was being clotted and eaten. The device is made, it is an extinguishing agent and its own fire extinguisher.

Hans Steininger

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Hans Steininger

The Austrian Citizen Meister Hans Steininger pays tribute to his 1.37 m long Gesichtswondunder. If Bart wages war for so long, there is a postleitzahl of his own that has won! One version of the previous version said that Bart Feuer walked into a human torch. Another version is that it is a flight from a feuer über seinen eigenen Bart stolperte, stürzte and seinen Tod fand.

Hans Steininger

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Hans Steininger

A hanging that was destroyed would not hang Bart nor in the Bezirksmuseum in Herzogsburg, Branau, 450 years later.

Felix Faure

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Felix Faure

The former French president has named a number of young women who had a sexual relationship with a young woman, Marguerite Steinheil.

Felix Faure

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Felix Faure

It is a fact that the Faure is one of the reasons that Steinheil in the “präsidialamt” has a perfectly perfect quality. Der “little Tod” would be a plötzlich zu a bigger Sache!

George Plantagenet, Herzog von Clarence

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George Plantagenet, Herzog von Clarence

Der Herzog wurde 1478 roads Hochverrats im Tower von London hingerichtet. Aber mit welcher Method? Nun, something was going to happen… in a Bottich Wein.

John Sedgewick

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John Sedgewick

The general of the union army was Schicksal in the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House. Yes, and? It is important that you make your Arroganz and your self-made choices in your living costs.

John Sedgewick

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John Sedgewick

If all goes well, Sedgewick has seen the Truppen, if they are no longer white, we will be able to find the last “with these Entfernung keinen Elefanten meet”. It’s a matter of doing it and shoving it in plain sight.

James Betts

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James Betts

Der Student James Betts began a course of study, while Elizabeth Spencer pursued a course of study at Corpus Christi College in Cambridge, England, where she studied. Elizabeth War was a bit by Dr. James Spencer. As Father and Leader of Corpus Christi College, Romanticism has not disappeared.

James Betts

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James Betts

Messages that followed when Elizabeth Spencer left her life, and it is true that the Geister van de Paarse heute spoke on the Gelände of the Colleges.

Gareth Jones

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Gareth Jones

In 1958, the British Schauspieler Gareth Jones and a herzinfart started a live performance in the Fernsehen-übertragen Theaterstück. Seltsamerweise sollte the Figure, it is a dream, a fall is a rethinking act.

Der Laternenanzünder

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Der Laternenanzünder

In the 1880s, Jahren had a later idea in Flatbush, New York, an innovative idea: Erefand a Wecker, from an Uhr, a Draht and a larger Stein file.

Der Laternenanzünder

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Der Laternenanzünder

It’s a genius idea to drop, if it’s a good idea then it’s the right place to put it. Am nächsten Morgen no longer waited for it. Statistics are one of Tode’s own businesses.

Killer Bird

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Killer Bird

In the year 2011 there was a Mann at an illegal Hahnenkampf in Kalifornien during Leben. It is a fact that the Besitzer is a Messer and the Bein des Vogels schnallt, and the Hahn is vershentlich on his “Herrn” one.

Quellen: (Yesterday’s History) (History Stuff) (Taking Over the World)

Also interesting: Schmerzhafte Schicksale: Wie wichwetige Heilige ihr Leben los