
“Die Höhle der Löwen”: Können Hunde Lungenkrebs erschnüffeln?

“Die Höhle der Löwen”: Können Hunde Lungenkrebs erschnüffeln?

The “DogScan” Pitch is performed by Tränen: Judith Williams. (jök/plek)

Photo: RTL / Bernd-Michael Maurer

SpotOn NewsSpotOn News | 23.09.2024, 23:15

Zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum schauen two Löwen of the first Stunde vorbei: Jochen Schweizer and Frank Thelen. The Löwen-Runde can cause so many Investor Erfahrung problems. There are jubiläums pitches below the top floor. A Green Idea strikes Judith Williams in the Tränen in August.

They will celebrate their anniversary with Jochen Schweizer (67) and Frank Thelen (48) after another pause in the Investor Session of “Die Höhle der Löwen” (montags, 8:15 PM, at VOX or on RTL+) Platz. There is little time for sentimental feelings. The new locations long for complete brand unity among the Löwen. If you have high emotional business separation, it is in your family life.