
Baden-Württemberg: Foodwatch: Anzahl der Milchkühe hallbieren for den Klimaschutz

Baden-Württemberg: Foodwatch: Anzahl der Milchkühe hallbieren for den Klimaschutz

Status: October 22, 2024 2:50 PM

De Verbraucherschutzorganisation Foodwatch fordert, de Anzahl der Milchkühe in Deutschland zu halbieren. Now we can improve our climate.

Nach Angaben von Foodwatch gives a value of 3.67 million Milchkühe. The Milchlobby works in its business campaigns, it is green grass and dies for environmental and climate protection.

In reality – so the consumer protection – come weniger as a Drittel der Kühe in the Milchindustrie part of the years on the Weide. If you see the usefulness of the green fields so that they are not climate-friendly, then you are happy with the Moorflächen that you are looking forward to.

Landwirte has access to Milchkühe

In Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate the Milchkuh-Bestand is sinking: In Baden-Württemberg were zu Jahresanfang rund 305,000 Milchkühe vom Landesamt für Statistik ergasst, that were 20,000 fewer in 2020.

In Rhineland-Palatinate were lost Jahr 97.000 Milchkühe registriert. 2,000 less than in Vorjahr.

Vorwurf von Foodwatch: Greenwashing door geschönte Bilanzen

In an active open light Report Names “Milkmärchen” Foodwatch der Milchlobby Greenwashing vor. The Hauptvorwürfe is:

  • The environmental protection sector is suitable for climate change
  • The environment is subject to increased climate protection
  • The lobby organization “Initiative Milch” has put aside the lapses with unreführender.

Weitere Klimaschützer fordern weniger Milk production

In Wahrheit – so the Verbraucherschützer – the emissions of the Tierhaltung in Germany are increasing as the Milchlobby suggests in an emerging PR Campaign.

The best from the experts at Potsdam Institutes for Climate Research. If you want to stop production, you need to start milk production.

Little Milch, little CO2

While a milchwirtschaftsbedrijf will reduce the production of the German climate control gas emissions, Foodwatch is reduced. The organization plädiert für mindestens een Halbierung der Zahl der fast 3,7 Millionen Milchkühe herezulande.

Weideflächen must be renaturiert and more versatile environmentally friendly alternatives.

“Initiative Milch”: Forderung nach sachlichem Dialogue

The “Initiative Milch”, the initiative of the Moluccans and Milchbäuerinnen, has not further expanded climate protection, creating a dialogue and using concrete for the Klimaschutz.

De Weltweiten Klima-Herausforderungen since Fakt. While the Milchbranche is in Bewegung, emissions will continue to decrease and it is logical that Kreisläufe is integrated.
Initiative Milch 2.0 GmbH (22.10.24)

In Germany since – after the “Initiative Milch” – laborious work and agricultural activities are more important, if we think about it. This system can be used to perform and implement data transfer and data processing. The CO2 backpack is a Milchkuh that is as large as the world duration here and in Europe.

Sendung am Tue., 22.10.2024 12:00 Uhr, SWR Aktuell am Mittag, SWR Aktuell

More zu Milch and Milal alternative