
Sleepy Girl Mocktail: Hilft der TikTok-Drink wirklich beim Einschlafen?

Sleepy Girl Mocktail: Hilft der TikTok-Drink wirklich beim Einschlafen?

When the drink is empty, drink the problem with the linden soll. The Rede is from Sleepy Girl Mocktail, a TikTok Trend that is progressive. Anyone who understands the name Mocktail will come to drink without alcohol and drink it – beautifully optic – especially in an elegant cocktail glass.

Trending Drink: The Sleepy Girl Mocktail Is a TikTok Hit

The hype of the Sleepy Girl Mocktail is so focused on the fact that Health-Influencer is a new “Wundergetrank” with the lockable names they have come up with and that can solve all possible problems. If you try the American American Gracie Norton back to TikTok trend, if you are in a video, drink the best drink in your life. Mittlerweile can click the video of the influencer on the Sleepy Girl Mocktail on two Million Mal. Several neighboring women carry in addition, that the drink also helps with your sleep problems.

So let’s get ready for your own holiday

The portal “” has analyzed the files of Sleepy Girl Mocktails and rated them best, while the three different tatsächlich hilariously cause a problem with solving problems: the acid concentrate and the magnesium powder.

Demnach would die in the Saft enthaltene Aminoacid Tryptophan is converted into Melatonin and Serotonin. This neurotransmitter is perceived by the stress level and provides the tension.

When Magnesium solves the problem, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated and the internal Schlaf-Wach-Zyklus is relieved as you relax.

The stabilized magnesium from the message provides a blood sugar level and blood pressure as the muscle and nerve function. Dadurch was the sleep quality-encouraged. For example, use magnesium preparations for sleep problems in the form of magnesium citrate or magnesium carbonate.

Die Zutaten für das einfache Rezept

So keep it up: In a glass with a Fassungsvermögen of 250 Millilitern were gleichen Teilen hochkonzentrierter Sauerkirschsaft and Wasser bzw. Lemonade mixed. Add a Teelöffel magnesium powder to the liquid. We can use the Sleepy Girl Mocktail with Eiswürfeln serving dishes.

Raab Vitalfood Magnesium Citrate Powder

Price: approx. 16 euros

(Terms link)