
Dschungel star Eric Stehfes is in psychiatry

Dschungel star Eric Stehfes is in psychiatry

Since then we have been prepared to attend the event for: Beim Promi-Boxkampf “Fame Fighting 2” wollte Dschungelcamper Eric Stehfest (35) am 9. November Stärke beweisen. But I still have to read the ehemalige “Good Times, Bad Times” – Darsteller in an outpatient psychiatry. The “Bild”-Zeitung was discussed during the last two days of paranoid schizophrenia.

It is a matter of a small Schub, which the newspaper newspaper notes: “I’m happy with my youth, but first I’ll be happy with it, my whole life will be good.” Jeden Tag must undergo therapy at the clinic from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you are taking medication, this is not the case.

Dschungel-Star: “I am the best of three Erics”

There are paranoid Wahnvorstellungen, who have experienced the dry dreams in 2017 in the book “9 Tage Wach”, weiter: “Nur bei kindern gibt is a Reality and that is fuller bedingungsloser Liebe. They are best with three Erics and all live in unterschiedlichen Realitäten.”

There is more in detail: “Einer dieser Erics hat zum Beispiel permanent Panik davor, dass etwas Schlimmes passionert. Denkt, dass überall nur Böses lauert. Ein other Eric remembers himself not a beautiful moment! There glaubt zum Beispiel, seine Ehefrau will ihn nur bloßstellen”, so the Bewohner der diesjährigen Sonderausgabe des Dschungelcamps “Ich bin ein Star – Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden”.

Part of the psychiatric problems can arise in the case of Drogen-Vergangenheit, in the es auch zu Missbrauch is komkommen war: “Jedes einschneidende Erlebnis can be een mens die führen, that is part of the personal breath. And if it a little bit, it’s a fact.”

Eric Stehfest directs Wochen Psychotherapy

Do you know what takes so long when you bother to weld? “I thought: That’s the same thing. If it fell like Kraft costet, it was still my life,” it said, “Wenn’s been gone after Edith, if I had been in the clinic for a long time. have minds, that is what they will do. sonst Menschen mit dieser Diagnose gar nicht zeizen.”

The drug helps you to be free for a year initially. The regulations Wirkstoffe hemmen include the Dopamin-Ausschüttung. “Bei mir war der auf Wasserfall-Niveau. Und kann zur schizophrenie en Wahn führen”, reports Stehfest. One of the “Fame Fighting” camps on November 9 in Bonn was a fight and training for your Tag, and was demonstrated on an Instagram account.

Since 2015, Schauspieler Eric Stehfest has been inherited by Edith Stehfest. In recent years, the film or series will appear in reality formats such as “Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich here raus” or “Das Sommerhaus der Stars”. (rho/spot)