
Materna as führender Mittelständler and KI-Provider in Europe ausgezeichnet, Materna Information & Communications SE, Story

Materna as führender Mittelständler and KI-Provider in Europe ausgezeichnet, Materna Information & Communications SE, Story

The Materna-Gruppe has made a new study: I ​​am PAC Innovation Radar 2024 with the Unternehmen as one of the best Provider of KI-Services in Europe with the Bewertung “Best-in-Class” ausgezeichnet. Gleichzeitig fest Materna seine Position in Handelsblatt “TOP 100 Ranking” van wachstumsstärksten Mittelständler Deutschlands. It says that the connection between the internal networks and its high quality is such that in the herausorderernden Zeiten erolgreich zu behaupten.

The Materna-Gruppe is located on the Platz on one of the most successful Mittelständlern Deutschlands. The Unternehmen are featured in the renowned PAC INNOVATION RADAR 2024 as one of the volatile providers of KI-Services. If one of the nur-international companies helped the company promote the “Best-in-Class” in the segment “AI-enabled Services for the German Middle Classes”, the market position was improved and the best competition became the best possible intelligence reaches.

PAC: Zentraler Acteur im Bereich der KI-Dienstleistungen

I am PAC INNOVATION RADAR, responsible for IT Analysts House Pierre Audoin Consultants (PAC), with 28 business contacts. Besonders Maternas Expertise in AI-bezogen Dienstleistungen voor de Deutsch Mittelstand überzeugte die Analysten. You can follow the following criticisms: the relevance of digital information, photography in the medium and smaller markets, the German market, the transparency of the world and photography in the most efficient sector.

Joachim Hackmann, principal analyst and head of the BAS cluster at PAC, says: “Materna has a greater influence on AI services. Including the focus on the internal environment and the results of the souveränen KI-Ansätzen machen Materna zu verlässigen Partners in deutschen und europäischen Wirtschaft.’

Erfolgreicher Mittelständler im Handelsblatt TOP 100 ranking

Mother starts her position as one of the most dynamic and economical hereditary communities in the German Middle State. The trade magazine “TOP 100 Ranking” has been published on the ranking of rank 46. The ranking is more than 8,000 of the highest scores and is shown over the years on the ranking and the results page of 2019. These waiting lists and higher profitability are no longer of application to the following alternative strategy.

Michael Hagedorn, CEO of the Materna Group, says: “The results of the trade publication TOP 100 ranking are also important in PAC INOVATION RADAR and our future role in the field of digital transformation and artistic intelligence. Diese Erfolge verdeutlichen ourser Engagement, mittelständischen Unternehmen in Deutschland innovative, vertrauenswürdige and wirtschaftlich nachhaltige Lösungen anzubiten.”

Die Erfolgsstrategie von Materna im Bereich KI

In terms of artistic intelligence, the material follows a clear structural approach, the underlying aspects of the underlying implementation of KI understützt. Michael Hagedorn has put the KI-Change-Management-Ansatz of Materna in third place: Sensitivity to the Besonderheiten of KI, the active Einbeziehung der Mitarbeitenden in the Prozess as well as Communikation and Transparenz. “KI sollte zum zentralen Bestandteil der Unternehmensstrategie. Separate the Mindset and the Kompetenz für KI-Projekte“, says Hagedorn. Now that some of the AI ​​culture has been developed, AI can reach its potential and take a long time before a next step is made. If the mother no longer works, this culture can be developed and the internal structures addressed, an AI project is pursued and a lot of attention is paid to it.