
Gemeinde stampfte Gaststätte für 3.5 Millionen aus dem Boden

Gemeinde stampfte Gaststätte für 3.5 Millionen aus dem Boden

Igersheim. In Igersheim is made healthier at 13 years of the village core. An important project and a balanced undertaking of the bourgeoisie is an inner gastronomy, which makes a new world of the communally-controlled properties from various houses. Jetzt finds an overview of the best offers – the Seltenheit is the leader of the times in gastronomy: restaurants, restaurants and hotels such as the various Gründen a geignete nachfolge-regeling. Allzu oft leider vergeblich, was in last Consequence fee-rich closures after itself sees.

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The Bad Mergentheimer Gastronom Frank Bundschu knows the Kreisvorsitzender of the Deutschen Hotel- und Gaststättenverbandes (Dehoga) zahlreiche solcher Fall, the message is in an active FN-Video.

Best Low

In Igersheim the man in the think bar can offer the best low value of the Gemeinde a new complete new tasty things: located directly on the central Möhlerplatz, the city in the last years for a round 3.5 million euros a new Gaststätte stamped out of the Boden.

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Construction project in Igersheim

Zwölf Wohneinheiten entstehen

Linda Hener

Neben de 14 Gästezimmern gibt is auch a Betreiberwohnung, rund 70 Platze studenden for the Außenbewirtung zur Refügung. If you see the Verwaltung, a bet you can find, the other side of the matter has abgesagt.

The current conditions were also different in terms of financial support for the country, but they were not supported – despite the fact that the project would be a good financial solution, which would result in a longer learning process that would be more appropriate. Igersheim’s Bürgermeister Frank Menikheim and Frank Bundschu come from the Wort in the FN film – the video can be found on the FN YouTube channel, on the Facebook page and on the homepage of the French nachrichten.