
Albert Schweitzer School – Hennigsdorf: The Schweitzer Garde

Albert Schweitzer School – Hennigsdorf: The Schweitzer Garde

Staying there: Albert-Schweitzer-Büste in the Albert-Schweitzer-Schule

Staying there: Albert-Schweitzer-Büste in the Albert-Schweitzer-Schule

Photo: nd/Matthias Krauß

“We are in the Kraft of the Wahrheit and the Vertraue of the Spirit, glaube ich an the Zukunft der Menschheit.” Wenn a new school A kind of tag that Satz von Albert Schweitzer vorbeiläuft, is that he learns his first lesson, nor long from sin, ist ihm dieser Satz ein Buch mit Siegeln. That is first in the life of Jahre.

The spruch in Bronzebuchstaben and the bust of Albert Schweitzer was as beautiful as the single form of Innenleben der Albert-Schweitzer-Schule in the Brandenburg Hennigsdorf, was not vom Einweihungsjahr 1964 nor übrig geblieben ist. The internal study of a debtor is higher beans and more time for the time. The author of the broadcast stood out for a while. Work was done in Zuckertüte in 1966, during the Schule bis zur 8. Klasse en hatte Ruimteheit, am 16. Oktober die Feierstunde zum 60. Geburtstag der Schule mitsleben. Brandenburg Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) does not intend to change the terms of weight and size.

Wiederkennen is for the einstigen Schüler Matthias Krauss of the Grundaufbau of the Complexes, the three Seiten von Wald is one of the GDR-Vorzeigeschule konzipiert war. The Albert-Schweitzer-Schule has a large large closet, a gymnasium and a sister, nor a gymnasium, a kitchen, in the fresh fresh kitchen, and a debt school, while they serve that kitchen. The Beckenbad, in all children’s programs, would cause some problems.

Muckefuck: morning, unfiltered, left

nd.Muckefuck is our newsletter for Berlin am Morgen. When you go around the city, when you separate the city police – when you are with humans, you can have that relationship. Muckefuck is a Kaffeelänge Berlin – unfiltered and left-wing. As you report and clean, the job becomes more and more difficult.

The Stahlwerkstadt Hennigsdorf has had its life here, as a man of the 60s on the idea, the African Lambarene tätigen and living Tropenarzt Albert Schweitzer who has been bitten, the Bildungsstätte nach ihm legsnen zu dürfen. This is true of the Feierstunde aus dem timmenden Short, the Schweitzer damals after Hennigsdorf sandte: “Möge in der Schule a good spirit” and may those Schüler befähigt become “disciplined and good people”.

Davon reported to Sybille Kutschke-Stange many years ago for Russian, Geography and English. He served in the war between 1995 and 2012 and began his career as a war director in 1991. Zweifellos erüllte die Schule zu seiner Zeit alle Parameter een sozialistiek Bildungseinrichtung. There is “Abzeichen für goodes Wissen” for the intestines Schüler and for the Little ones the Mittagsschlaf. The Hausaufgaben powers die in the Hort under Anleitung. There are strong patents in the field of steelwork.

One of the Kollegen said that the only admission of guilt in Kutschke-Stange: “Können Sie sich vorellen, einmal im Schuljahr all Eltern Ihrer Klasse zu Hause zu besuchen?” Der sogenannte Elternbesuch war in der DDR Standard. The Lehrer gets to work on his own things, while the Schüler lives and lives on the Platz, his schularbeiten are empty. Kutschke-Stange reported from Solidaritätskonzerten an der Schule, erlöse über who visited Switzerland directly in the Urwald-Hospital von Lambarene.

Of course there is money for this debt in Davor and in Danach. Die Wendejahre 1989/90 fell. »The Society has lost it«, says the Pensionärin, that this School is not often a problem
Names are very important. It is a GDR School after the Christian, Arzt and Humanists Albert Schweitzer that is doing well, it is likely that the West German government is not satisfied. It’s over a night in your Weltbild.

The program, the Schülerinnen and Schüler am Festabend have evolved – the music style of Rap and Hip-Hop were dominant – where the years have never passed through the halls as a recognized Kulturprogramma. Three days ago, the current “Schweitzer” was tested by the professional Künstler. He painted a Mini-Theaterpiece, which Schweitzer visited with the German Kaiser for a Hilfe for his Africa Project, which presented the Mediziner aber schließlich from all the World Unterstützung erfuhr. »Es gibt nichts Gutes, außer man tut es«, said Schweitzers Zeitgenosse Erich Kästner.

Life begins over the course of 35 years in the Schweitzer-Schule. Das Schwimmbad is abgerissen. It is true that the Wende cannot make money. The Schulküche gibt is no more. Laut Schulleiter Sebastian Mrosek nehmen von 331 Schülern nur noch 20 das Angebot der Essensversorgung wahr. The large social wall painting in the auditorium has been replaced. Wed end
from the large, large Schulhof, basketball and football can be played. Has become different for all Grundsätzliches. During the GDR war, the Albert-Schweitzer-Schule is a Polytechnic Oberschule for Classes 1 to 10. Inzwischen is an Oberschule nur nor for Classes 7 to 10.

»The School was a Symbol for Happiness and Walking.«

Sebastian MrosekSchulleiter

When Prime Minister Woidke took the blame in the Feierstunde, the main board of integration became a narrow road as a debtor of class. If so, it is true that it will be radiated in no time, while other people are at the gymnasium working on their children’s activities. Fromme Wünsche and Wohlfeile Sprüche do not help a couple.

Schulleiter Sebastian Mrosek visited the old road in 1990, at the time when the “Chaos” arose. Schwierig is used to it, the children of the lower classes have other debts from education. Nothing, that is lost in Hennigsdorf Tausende ihre Arbeit and the debt burden of the social conflict and the revelations that have been made. Die Neigung, Schuldige zu suchen, war verbreitet, Rechtextremismus suchte auch diese Schule heim. Zuletzt cut the Corona-Lockdowns the Schuldbetrieb zeitweise aus.

Fuller Gratitude for the Teaching of the School Festival: “The school was a symbol for education and walking.” The personal opinion and the representation of the patrons on behalf of the patrons have not enhanced your work, the words are their own. Albert Schweitzers’ life is a change for anyone who wants it
glauben, de Welt ändern und verbalesern zu können.

Zurück im Hier en Heute wandte sich Mrosek mitfühlend and the Ministerpräsidenten, der alle politique Tagesdruck zum Trotz die Zeit für the Besuch der Schule in Hennigsdorf gefunden habe. With a look at Schwierigkeiten, after the Landtagswahl vom 22. September a new Regierung for SPD and BSW according to images, standing of the Pädagoge: »I could not with my life.«

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