
Emphehlenswerte Modelle en eines zu hohem Schadstoffgehalt –

Emphehlenswerte Modelle en eines zu hohem Schadstoffgehalt –

The TCS tested 17 new children’s models in the areas of safety, manual control, ergonomics and softness content.

A model is placed on the Schadstoffgehalt as a “non-empfehlenswert” service. Sitzerhöungen ohne Rückenlehne could be completely filled with children’s seats without being set up. In der Schweiz it is a bit nice to be in Kindersitz.

I am active as a Kindersitztest tested der Touring Club Schweiz 17 verschiedene Modelle in all Grössen. Da der Verkauf von nach UN Reg. 44 child seats in the EU since September 2024 are no longer suitable for carrying out the test after UN Reg. 129 Zugelassene Kindersitze. The main criteria for tests are safe for front and side cleaning, operation, cleaning and handling, ergonomics for damage.

Zwolle of tested food benefits from the experience “sehr empfehlenswert”. When performing the test, you can use the “Maple + Alfi Base” model from Thule for “i + Doona i Isofix Base” from Doona. Four models are “empfehlenswert”. This sitze can be made without any reservations.

Formaldehyde in Bezugsstoff

A Sitz was stuffed with “no empfehlenswert”. The material of the “Graco Snuglite i-Size” contains formaldehyde in a few seams, which are the border area behind it. The form of hydraulics under the idea is that people get their credit by the TCS on the Schadstoffgehalts of die Sitz ab. The mangle hafte of the Schadstoffgehalts cannot be removed by the intestines in other criticisms, they will continue directly on the Gesamtnote.

Recognition from the Aufpralltests

Children’s seat, in the kind of way with their backs to ensure safe transport, to be able to fit in the frontal safety test in order to be safe at the best of times. This place that relieved the children’s communal kitchen, while being pressed onto the tray, was the burden on the head when the snacks could no longer be stopped.

Since September 2024, the business has not been purchased without the Sitzerhöhungen, which is a UN Reg. 129 Zulassung haben. This Zulassungsvorschrift stipulates that the Sitzerhöhungen or Seitenaufprallschutz could first have a Körpergrösse of more than 125 Zentimetern a Genehmigung erhalten.

These tests show that you were seriously deformed after the material siting after a crash. Placing a stable plastic is a model from a plastic plastic that must be used, another isofixan bond can be viewed by a security signal bus.

If Notsitz has the Sitzerhöhungen or Rückenlehne dennoch ihre Berechtigung. If the general mind-restoration is inherited, the risks of loss are reduced with a frontal fall and a brauchen wenig Platz. If you spontaneously see a child and a child in the middle seat in the summer of summer, a children’s seat with a backrest is often so simple. I can view all the seating positions in a different place, but a full-fledged child seat is not turned off, while the backrest differs in which functions and is therefore a useful component of your child’s seats.

Jedes zweite Kind ungenügend gesichert

A children’s sitter is now in progress and is safe now, if it is a proper set-up. One of the BFUs in the period with the TCS in 2023 said that the child’s child seats in the car would go wrong. The disadvantage of the false child seats is an incorrect installation in the car to an incorrect Gurtführung for a safe kind. The TCS wants to be sure that you can operate your seat and car on the beach. Ebenfalls is the most important, the Winterjacke is used. Der Gurt muss so eng wie perhaps de Körper des Kindes anliegen.

Emphehlenswerte Modelle en eines zu hohem Schadstoffgehalt –

The test result

Make sure you get a child seat

The TCS Vergleichsportal für Kindersitze hilft bei der Vorauswahl.

After the choice has been made, a Fachgeschäft is performed. Die in Frage kommenden Modelle voor dem Kauf am eigenen Fahrzeug and mit dem Kind ausprobieren.

Kindersitz wählen, der auf Grösse and Weight des Kindes abgestimmt ist.

If the child’s head of the high chair is close to the Category.

Quelle: TCS
Bildquelle: TCS