
Hospital Church in the Erzgebirge are open to large buildings: Was there a visit here?

Hospital Church in the Erzgebirge are open to large buildings: Was there a visit here?

The Hospitalkirche in Lößnitz is lately. After a year, another mirror installation will be carried out, which will be in keeping with the cultural city of Chemnitz.

A Seltener Anblick? The forms were quickly removed, will be described, were at the time in the Lößnitzer Hospitalkirche Sankt Georg zu sehen ist. Aus dem Gotteshaus an der Bundesstraße 169 since Holzdielen und Bänke verschwunden. Now gräbt itself a bagger through the Boden. Schaufelt Steine ​​​​and Schutt on a Tipperfahrzeug.

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