
CARMAT launches a capital increase for an initial amount of €10.3 million to finance its activities until at least the end of 2024

CARMAT launches a capital increase for an initial amount of €10.3 million to finance its activities until at least the end of 2024

Regulatory News:

CARMAT (FR0010907956, ALCAR), designer and developer of the world’s most advanced total artificial heart, with the aim of providing a therapeutic alternative for people suffering from advanced biventricular heart failure (the “Company” or “KARMAT”), today announces the launch of a capital increase with the cancellation of shareholders’ preferential rights through a public offering (the “Public offer“) and with a priority period, on an irreducible and identifiable basis, for its existing shareholders, and a global placement with institutional investors in France and outside France, excluding in particular the United States of America, Canada, Japan, South Africa and Australia (the “Worldwide placement” and together with the priority period and the public offering, the “To offer“), for an initial amount of EUR 10.3 million. The Offering may be increased to a maximum of EUR 13.6 million in the event of full exercise of the extension clause and the over-allotment option. The main features of this capital increase are as follows:

  • Subscription price: EUR 1.60 per share, representing a discount of 24.5% compared to the average of the volume-weighted average share prices of the last five trading sessions preceding the determination of this subscription price (i.e. EUR 2.12) and a discount of 21.18% compared to the closing price on September 16, 2024 (i.e. EUR 2.03);
  • Subscription parity: 5 new shares for every 28 existing shares held on September 17, 2024;
  • Subscription commitments and guarantee commitments amounting to EUR 6.7 million, representing 65.2% of the initial amount of the capital increase (including EUR 4.5 million from the historical shareholders Sante Holdings SRL (Dr. Antonino Ligresti) and Lohas SARL (Pierre Bastid));
  • Subscription period of the priority period and the Public Offer: from September 18 to September 26, 2024;
  • Registration date for the registration of CARMAT shares to benefit from the priority subscription period: September 17, 2024;
  • Global placement period: from September 18 to September 28, 2024.

Stéphane Piat, CEO of CARMATcomments: “Since the fall of 2023, which marked the real start of Aeson’s commercial deployment, we have seen very encouraging momentum and continuous growth in implantations and sales. We are gradually improving our commercial approach, in particular by building on a deeper understanding of market access dynamics and the specificities of each country. Feedback from European hospitals has been very positive and confirms Aeson’s unique and differentiating features.