
Online reports – Ökologie – Eine Baselbieter Pharmazeutin verordnet de SBB grüne Politik

Online reports – Ökologie – Eine Baselbieter Pharmazeutin verordnet de SBB grüne Politik

© Photo by Peter Knechtli,

“Sie learn, wie man ökological fährt”: SBB-Nachhaltigkeits-Chefin Amacker

Kathrin Amacker is a member of the SBB-konzernleitung for the implementation of the strategic strategy

Von Peter Knechtli

The SBB has been involved in critical criticism for years. This was one of the following: if one of the largest power branches of the state railways is one of the strong energy and climate protection programs. The part of the Konzernlleitung is that of the Baselbieter CVP-Nationalrätin Kathrin Amacker.

If the only woman on the SBB-Unternehmensspitze is, it is responsible of a bereich, the gesellschaftliche Zukunftswirkung that can be another person. The promoted pharmaceutical industry (57), in the region as president of the Basiliensis region, provides the Bahnbetrieb recipe, which is energy-saving, climate-friendly and generally greener in the Zukunft zu fahren hat.

There is also a need for additional electricity in Switzerland, such as electric power for the SBB: The combined energy consumption of 2,600 gigawatts (GWh) per year. The target of the Viereinhalbfachen dessen was the Baselbieter Energieversorger Elektra Baselland in the Verteilgebied absetzt.

20 Fachleute für Nachhaltigkeit

A solution to the Mammut Verbrauch would involve a gigantic position of power in the financial policy of a country. No more than 20 pieces inside the SBB with the right amount of water.

If the Zürcher Wirtschaftsführer Alfred Escher is the Gotthardbahn-gründete, it will happen that the electricity supply will be carried out by the Australian Kohle. “Nachaltigkeit” war damas as a term that does not exist.

If you are in the age of mass mobility, rail traffic has changed dramatically. Saving energy and installing energy suspended by the SBB takes a long time. Nachhaltigkeit ist seit zehn Jahren offizielles Konzernziel.

Atomkraft will be removed

Until the end of 2015, CO2 emissions have risen to 37 percent in 1990 at 132,575 tons. And thrift stops one. “When 2025 woolen in 1990 caused halbierung emissions,” said Kathrin Amacker in conversation with OnlineReports. In Strombereich, the SBB aimed for a reduction of 600 GWh in 2010 and 2025, which meant a power consumption of 150,000 Haushaltungen.

Schone fahren de Züge der SBB met een energie-anteil von 90 Prozent aus Wasserkraft, die mehrheitlich from our own Kraftwerken or Kraftwerken with minority benefits originates. Until 2025, the energy energy flows will be converted into a flow of 100 percent energy-saving energy in 2025.

If you have been working with the Bundes’ “Energy Strategy 2050” for a long time, your commitment will be “sour mustard naben machen”. Amacker: “Dazu wollen wir unseren Beitrag leisten.”

Versorgungssicherheit wichtigstes Kriterium

The most important criticism of the Beschaffung Strom aus erneuerbarer Energie is the Versorgungssicherheit: Even if the energy flow is different, the energy flow is improved, so that is the only way to move forward.

“Yes, man, he was different,” said Kathrin Amacker self-critically. It is possible that general climate protection has an uninterrupted function: “Wir nehmen dadurch wahr, dass das Umweltbewusstsein der Gesellschaft and insbesondere bei the young man rises, meinte Kathrin Amacker and fügt and: “Wir freuen uns nature, wenn sich die Jugend vermehrt interesting for climate-friendly mobility and more useful for railways.”

“Grüne Welle” for Lokführer

If the bishery work is carried out, it is possible to do this. The increase in energy efficiency takes place in all areas of human beings. A “grosser Hebel” (Amacker) monitors the Lokomotivführer’s Fahrverhalten through digitally controlled “adaptive Lenkung”. If you learn in the Kursen, “who man is kologically fährt”, and erhalten Empfehlungen, who quickly sie fahren müssen, damit sie of the “green Signal-Welle” profitable could. Before you get the overview on the stop-and-go fahrstil, you have a strong power-saving effect.

Electricity is a component that is reimbursed in winter by the protection of people.

While the time to arrange the digitalization in the Abstimmung with Wetterstations for a more soulful einschaltauer of the Weichenheizungen, the day runs 120 stunden kürzer in Betrieb since. Until 2030, everything will accelerate with an energy efficiency of 9.3 GWh and a CO2 reduction of 1,600 tons.

New hybrid ranger locomotives

A special event in the region: In January 2018, the SBB installed the first hybrid locomotives of the H3 type in the Basler Rheinhäh district. They operate with 50 percent of diesel engines and have “a significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions as re-usable locomotives.” If the battery is in poor condition, the immission will turn red during the night.

The SBB aims to obtain an overview of fossil energy sources for their storage. If technical and economic use is made of the operation of the Sanierungen and Neubauten, they are placed on Holz-Pellets.

SBB concerns Artenschutz

One of the ways in which biodiversity is protected in the biodiversity strategy is nature conservation. The 3,000 kilometers of Bahnböschungen were designated as “Reservoir for Seltene Arten”. If you use plants, you may no longer use the construction of the “Gateway Basel Nord”, while the nature conservation area is protected, so that part of the Brachen is sichert and geschlangenburg oriented.

In Lugano, a Bahndamm stabilization is carried out on the selected Eisvögel and wassernattern that are not covered by the Rücksicht. In St. Ursanne, the SBB is brought together with the Canton Jura in the project of a Trockenwiese with Schutz der Schuppenhaarige Kegelbiene and other selected Arten.

Company’s own experts, together with the faculty of the ETH Drohnen, establish a connection with the Railway Line to recognize neophytes.

Unerwartete Gleitlawinen

A large Bedeutung comes from the Pflege van 900 Hektaren Schutzwald zu. During the climb of the soil and permafrost, the ice disappeared and in February Crans-Montana disappeared, “a day when I no longer have a fork”. Today’s payment cards help you obtain “a new right to identification”. Kathrin Amacker: “Wir müssen uns rest, aber immer auch the inherited orderlichen Costs transparent machen.”

Take the solar energy consumption into account. So choose one of the financing options from the SBB Climate Fund Solardach in a Gütergebäude in Muttenz. The fund will generate a large amount of millions of francs from the CO2 compensation.

Grün-Anspruch auch an Lieferanten

When it comes to social and social activities, the SBB is helped with a new love, the sparks in the height of the years that make the Milliarden Franken profitable. So it is important that the quality of the quality labels is improved.

Environmental protection and cost savings nod to the SBB in a sustainable and safe way with Abfall and Plastic Reduction, or with green products with “Green Class”, a Kombiangebot from General-Abo, Mobility and E-Bikes.

“Environmental friendliness and sympathy”

Amacker’s strategic strategy is one of the SBB’s ethical-political motives to think about. It is clear that energy efficiency is a cost saving. Otherwise there is an unsatisfactory feeling of a clearer legal order, we will be “with the Kunden Sympathie auslöst”.

If the SBB in the category of the “Dosto” civilization, the points or other remarkable results, can best be assessed, it is possible to achieve the respective strengthening of the road in a more intensive situation.

More about the authorization

December 13, 2019

“Money is widely reinvested”

Sincerely, Herr Krummenacher, the Fund finances your long-term future project. Das Geld would also reinvest. The article comes from Solardach in Muttenz zum Beispiel, so that the financing can continue.

Kathrin AmackerBinningen

“I’m ashamed of my sister”

The SBB would like to earn more and is one of the big pushovers. You will become more Flatterstrom (Solar- and Windstrom), it will be more that your stopps and unterbrechungen come. If the goose feeling is about the climbing walk, the result will be more.

In France they are noted and the yellow waistcoats are strewn in the following manner. We are unable to comply with regulations. If the SBB no longer uses his toilet and his toilet, it would be that the schäme mich would work in the Zustand van de Wagen, if he would see his Beispiel with the Japanese Zügen-vergleiche. It is possible that the SBB-Verantwortlichen constitute one of the study trips and a Prüfung opportunity.

Alexandra NogawaBasel

‘Were we allowed to use them with money?’

If the energy of the SBB would have more energy at the SBB, and would therefore be more interesting, the money would have grown from the fund, respectively. power was wrung over the years with over 3 million francs being consumed. The CO2 processing method has now been available for 10 years. Who is most interested in the swearing-in? Well-being projects are being realized and are providing excellent pampering benefits.

Viktor KrummenacherBottmingen