
Most famous Jugendfestival in Brussels

Most famous Jugendfestival in Brussels

Brüssel, 28.09.2024 (KAP) Papst Franziskus viewed the international youth event “Hope Happening” in Samstagabend in Brüssel. At 9:30 p.m., there were 6,000 young festival guests on the Expo Geländes stage. Der bis Sonntag dauernde “Mini-Weltjugendtag” finds an overview of four-day Papstbesuchs in Luxembourg and Belgien statt.

Franziskus is still alive young, if it’s good, it’s a good idea to help. It is not correct, as other herabzuschauen – außer, when the person helps to get up, says the 87 years, with his Rollstuhl mitten on the stand. The final phase of Franziskus that is the young man and the pleasure of the Abschlussgottesdienst is the form of a probe shape in the Brüsseler Konings-Baudouin-Stadion. After the Mittagsgebet, the Papst will be served after 15 p.m. Wed.