
Schlaganfall is not a theme for other people

Schlaganfall is not a theme for other people

Die good Nachricht: Mindestens 70 Prozent der Schlaganfälle könnten durch gezielte Präventionsmaßnahmen were prevented. When push comes to shove, people will become active, a risk they will take. Der Patienten Rat + Treff (PRT) savory has an excerpt from the Welt-Schlaganfall-Tag on the day of service (29. October).

Was it a Schlaganfall?

A Schlaganfall is a plötzliche Unterbrechung der Blutversorgung in Gehirn. If you use a Sauerstoff mangle, the inner tension can be resolved within a few minutes. Your reaction will probably be when the opportunity for a full-fledged generation arises.

Who knows a man who has seen a Schlaganfalls?

The FAST-Test is a simple method, a warning signal that you can recognize:

· F steht für Gesicht (Face): Die Frage lautet in dem Fall: Hängt eine Gesichtshälfte herab?

· A Steht für Arme (Weapon): Here is the Frage: Could either arm be affected?

· S steht für Sprache (speech): Is the Sprache verwaschen or unverständlich?

· T steht für Zeit (Time): Tritt een dieser Symptome auf, sollte sofort der Notruf unter der bekannten Number 112 gewählt were, denn your Sekunde zählt.

Which risk factors can be avoided?

The risk factors for a disease are crazy, but it is also not the case that: Rauchen, alcoholic drinks, overweight, Stress, Diabetes Type 2, a problem and a treatment mangle. Viele dieser Risk factors arise during a healthy lifestyle. “There are even more people who care about their well-being,” explains Isabelle Kniebs, Fachkraft für Gesundheit in PRT. “It can take longer for a person to fall after 50 years. Regulation is no longer possible, but the risk is not that great.’ “Manchmal sind Medikamente notnauwen, een riskfactor die bluthochdruck, hohen Cholesterinspiegel or der Vorhofflimmern zu treat“, fügt si hinzu.

Was I self-conscious about my risk?

“You can also call it that, a risk for a single fall or an accidental fall to be minimized. This is the first risk factor to know,” says Isabelle Kniebs. “The small changes in lifestyle can make a big difference. With careful consideration, a serious error can occur in reducing stress and reducing stress.”

Action „Schlag den Anfall“ zum Welt-Schlaganfall-Tag: Zum Welt-Schlaganfall-Tag organizes the PRT with the Krankenhauser in the DG and further partners a large collective undertaking under the motto “Schlag den Anfall”. The soul of Action is that the Awareness for Schlaganfallprävention will increase and the Bevölkerung über the Risks aufzuklären. On October 28, 2024 at the St. Nikolaus Hospital Eupen (Foyer) as well as on October 29, 2024 in the Klinik St. Josef St. Vith (4th floor) – jewels between 16 and 20 hours – free viewing of Blutdruck and Blutzuckermessungen continue welding. Go to the FAST Test. If all goes well, there is a good tip for preparing and cooking your food and drinks, how to do small things in the Alltag. In Eupen in the Foyer from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. you can find a Vortrag zum Thema Schlaganfall stattt. The delivery is free of charge, a notification is not obligatory. (red/sc)

More information at or by telephone on 087/55 22 88.