
Volleyball Bundesliga: Neue Saison: BR Volleys wollen “reclaim all titles”

Volleyball Bundesliga: Neue Saison: BR Volleys wollen “reclaim all titles”

The German Rekordmeister Berlin Volleys will come into the season with the maßstäbe in the national volleyball set. «Wir wollen all titles, I show how long it takes,» says Geschäftsführer Kaweh Niroom and at the Saisoneröffnungspressekonferenz des Vereins. In 2023/24, the Mannschaft nicht nur den 14. Meistertitle won, nor won the DVV-Pokal and the Liga-Pokal.

All you can do is play the eighth round of the Club. The Abwanderer would have received positions during eight new years, as Rückkehrer of the German Olympiad of Moritz Reichert anstelle des Franzosen Timothee Carle. “It is a big herausforderung for a, gerade for the coaching team”, says Niroom and his Umbruch. There is a good way to set it up orderly.

Bundesliga Start against Giesen

Mannschaftskapitän bleibt Ruben Schott. Assistant at the Nationalspieler of Nehemiah Mote and Neuzugang Matthew Knigge. On September 21, the first Bundesliga game of the new season was played in the Volleys. September daheim was about the Grizzlies Giesen. Bereits ab kommenden Freitag steht the Mannschaft beim dreitägigen Turnier der Bundesliga-Clubs um the Liga-Cup in Hildesheim auf dem Prüfstand.

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